
Sep 18, 2004 16:44


Life is depicted by effort at existence. We all exist as people, but the true struggle is in existence within society. The one thing most people strive for, whether it is in their jobs, their personal relationships, or in their everyday trials, is perfection. Most individuals feel in order to be accepted, they have to subject themselves to being exactly like everyone else. However, to break away from the pattern, and in doing so, be different from everybody else is one of the strongest things a person can do.
In grade school, I was overweight and what most would call a “nerd.” I read extremely large novels, I listened to classic music, and I didn’t wear clothes in fashion. I knew I wasn’t popular or accepted and I ached to be just like other people. That feeling drove me to stand outside my house every night and state the rhyme, “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, to have to wish I make tonight.” Through that little prayer, I truly believed I would become popular and beautiful. After a while, I came to realize that the only person, who could make me happy, was me. I entered a weight loss clinic the summer of my seventh grade year. Staying on a strict diet when you are a teenager is really tough, but I was determined to be accepted by my peers and I stuck to it. As I became more and more fit, my perception of perfection began to alter. In three months I had lost forty pounds of weight and had gained forty pounds of self esteem.
Through my journey of self acceptance, I developed a new concept. Instead of becoming a clone of the well-liked cliques I had desired so much, why not simply be different and popular. It occurred to me that I shouldn’t have to choose to be either. I would find a way to be both so that I could sincerely be happy.
For many people High School is just another series of classes, but for me High School was freedom. Having gone to a parochial school for seven years, public high school was like a dream. I could wear what I wanted, talk to who I wanted, take the classes I wanted, and I took full advantage. I soon developed my own clothing style and found a new passion for art. My happiness consumed me for I did not need the approval of my classmates, just my own. Before long I became actively involved in my school and community. Participating in many clubs and volunteer programs, which led me to be able to make many friends from a large variety of cultures, cliques, and ages who all accept me for who I am.
Last April, I discovered something very exciting. I was pulled aside by a classmate from a well-liked clique. She eagerly asked me, “Are you going to go to Prom?” I told her that I couldn’t make it and responded curiously with the question, “Why do you ask?” She shyly replied, “Well, you dress really different and I thought you would wear something really cool to the dance.” This thirty second conversation confirmed my concept from the past three years; one can be different and cool at the same time. One can be popular and accepted without being like everyone else. Breaking away from what people accept and being independent is hard. Just like with any decision, deciding to change ones life is implausible. It’s when you decide the journey is truly worth it, that makes the decision uncomplicated.
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