Sep 11, 2004 21:32
Well. . . as you all know. . today is the third anniversary of 9/11. The number of terrible terrorist attacks on the old USofA that should remain in our thoughts forever. . . Considering 9/11 was one of the, if not THE most tragic of all attacks on American soil, I was dissapointed to find that the attack has already become nothing but a memory. A thing of the past. Something that is already being forgotten. You know what the head story of all the newspapers were this morning? It wasnt on the War in Iraq, nor was it about the 5 month old baby that was killed when left in a car for 5 hours in 100 degree heat. It was on Michael Eisner announcing his retirement not this year, or next year, but in 2006! God, who gives a damn. . . Granted, the papers Did mention 9/11- but it wasnt THE headline. To me, it appeared just like any other story. I wore red, white, and blue to work today. No one commented on why. No one mentioned 9/11. It was like it never happened. I remember everything that happened on 9/11 in my own life. It was barely a week into my Freshman year in High School. My Aunt called us from New Mexico. I remember thinking nothing of it because she calls all the time. Then i remember my mom coming in my room to "wake me up" so i could go see something on T.V, even though i was already awake from the call. Of course she wanted me to realize what was happening, but me, in my ignornace, thought it was a terrible accident- just a plane crash or something- I even wore a shirt to school that day with the british flag on it. And it didnt hit me until i got to school what had actually happened. It felt like time had stopped. It was the first time i realized America wasn't as safe and powerful as it is made out to be.
My point is to not forget. Dont try and put it all behind you. It happened. It could happen again. The one thing you learn from history is not to not forget it. Just like you shouldnt forget the Holocaust, or any War. Take the memory and use it in your life. Let it make you realize how lucky you are to be here. Get high off of breathing the air that so many others can't breathe anymore. . . just live.