(no subject)

Apr 01, 2005 05:23

SPRING BREAK AWAITS ME IN 2 HOURS AND 15 MINUTES. WOOT WOOT. Actually, I'm not going anywhere. Poop.

Okay, so spring cleaning took its tolle on me once more. I was upuntil 12:00 last night. 12:00. However that was my choice, because my mother said if she didn' finish last night then they would prolong their trip to Ohio fo on more day. I realized I had a party tonight and they had to be gone. So I'm like "I'm not even tired, let me help you some more." My jobs consisted of : Tking down the blinds to wash them, washing the banisters and woodwork(BLEAK), sweeping/wshing the screened in back porch(double Bleak), wash the cabinets, vacuming the ceilings, yes, the ceilings for cobwebs, dusting hardcore, Umm, and anything else her pretty head could think of to get my ass to work. The sad part of it was, all that stuff wasn't even too dirty, considering she's the biggest neat freak of all time. But its cool, she's a housewife, I'd be worried if she sat on her ass all day doing nothing.

Umm, Seth and I are going to Kokomo today. I'd rather be going to CC with Keith and Jess, simply because there are much beter stores there, but considering I dont have SHOPPING money, we're just buying games for the PARTY!

Damnit, I have a note to read. Btw, that hooker and her ridulous sense of fashion cracks my shit up. Seriously, for someone who thinks she's the shit, she doesn't back it up very well.

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