(no subject)

Nov 17, 2010 03:09

Title: A Little too Far
Rating: T
Summary: They meet again after 17 months, but do things go father then planned?
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: by none
Chapters: ..
Notes: I like writing reunion fics. T^T
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6483671/1/

The day was cold when she arrived home. Even though it was getting warmer in the days But at night it was cold, to the point where Orihime felt her fingers would freeze off, and she wondered if this is what they meant by Global warming?

She shook her had, breathing on her hands as she fiddled with her keys hoping that her Super had turned the heat on even though she would be late paying her bills since her family cut her off. The room was dark as she opened the door, it was warmer then outside, she was glad Tatsuki-chan had helped her buy a portable heater just in case.

Orihime turned the light on before bending over taking her shoes off not even seeing the figure on her couch as she started to hum her “Life’s theme” stuck on a few words.

“What ridiculous song is that?” a low voice suddenly spoke out, her body tensed up her muscles still as she lowly straightened up. Her brown eyes wide as she stared at the white figure sitting on her couch, his hands in his pockets as he stared at her.

Her throat was dry as she tried to speak, tongue heavy and she wondered if the cold had somehow melted her brain or froze it. Or like in that American cartoon she saw once about “Jack Frost” had made some kind of illusion.

Because that person right there should not be commenting on her song and sitting there like he owned the place already. “Ulquiorra…” she said softly, “what…?” she couldn’t process her thoughts as she walked over to him, one shoe still on her foot, her hands reaching out almost as he stood up and walked over to her as well.

“You’re being ridiculous with that expression.” he stated as her hands touched his chest and then reached up and touched his face. Her fingers pinching his cheeks, “I’m real.” he said more softly as she backed away slightly, her mouth turning up in a ugly grimace and her eyes filled with tears.

“But…I failed, you didn’t…” she sniffed not able to move, “you did.” her voice cracked, “I failed…you didn’t.”

“You did not fail.” his hand touched her face, hers reached up and grabbed his wrist staring at him. She had tried, very hard on the dome to bring him back after Kurosaki-kun had left them and she healed Ishida-kun.

She was desperate in doing it, beating on her healing shield, crying because it wasn’t supposed to be like that. She didn’t want Ulquiorra to die, why out of all of them did he die? The one she knew the best, who watched her and talked top her.

Why did the one who wanted to understand the heart and reached out to her die?

Ishida-kun had to hold her back, telling her to stop after her shield broke through, she cried not hearing the voice around her. Or how Kuchiki-san touched her shoulder, telling it was okay. She was okay now.

And she was, she lived her life like how she was before. Did not think about Hueco Mundo, did not think about it or care to remember her nightmares. Avoided the questions Tatsuki-chan had, or Urahara-san had.

Because she was okay, she smiled and laughed. Working and going to school, she changed her hair. Ignoring the stares her nakama gave her that first day, how Tatsuki-chan asked where her hairpins were.

She smiled and didn’t answer, because she was okay. She was growing up she didn’t have to wear them, no.

So as she stood there, her fingers crushing his shirt, staring up at a man that she thought was dead, her cheeks and eyes raw from the tears. Her throat burning from holding the sobs back, she wasn’t okay.

She was never okay.

And now he stood in front of her like nothing had happened. Her eyes hurt from the tears as she tried to make sense of what was happening in her head. Orihime’s hands tightened in his Espada uniform top. She licked her lips, all the weight and stress falling on her suddenly. “How?” she looked up at him, her body heavy and mind hazy and it felt like everything was going slow.

“How what?” Orihime glared at him slightly, feeling like he was playing with her as he stared down at her, “I think it would be obvious what had happened.” his voice dry.

“Heh, not really considering how I failed at reviving you…” her voice soft, her hand coming up and pushing back her bangs, Ulquiorra’s eyes followed the movement. “I mean, unless you didn’t really die…you can regenerate.”

“My regeneration abilities do not go that far. The reason why I am back, Woman…” he stopped staring at her. Orihime swallowed as his hand came up, unzipping his top showing that the hole that once was there.


Her eyes widen as she looked at him, her hand moving up slowly her fingers reaching out and touching the new skin, her palm resting over it. The area felt warm against her still cold hand, she bite her lip as her palm moved pressed on the spot, her fingers then moving and tracing where it once was as her head moved down but she stopped catching before she fulfilled a silly idea that had entered her head.

Tension filled the air, Orihime felt her cheeks warm as she moved away, her hand not moving though. She didn’t look up at him, but could feel his green eyes burn into her. “Sorry..” she whispered softly, her eyes moving up at him finally. Her breath hitched though seeing the expression his face. Softer then usual and warm but it lasted but a moment when he stepped back, but he didn’t zip his shirt back up. Orihime hesitated slightly, her weight shifting from foot to foot confusion running through her.

What now?

She watched him as he stood next to her brothers shrine staring at the picture. She didn’t say anything watching as he touched the flowers and looked at the picture. His hand moving down and touching her hairpins, something she hadn’t been able to wear for a long time. Ulquiorra turned and looked at her then, a question in his eyes but he didn’t say anything as he walked back over to her.

She leaned down then so she wouldn’t have to look at him, taking her lone shoe off and throwing it over to it’s companion. Then taking her coat and scarf off, showing her uniform from work. “What are you wearing?” he suddenly said, Orihime turned and jumped slight since he was standing right behind her.

“A uniform for my job?” she smiled unsure, “It’s weird I know but the boss is weird too…” she stopped when he hand came forward touching the design of the shops mascot. Some kind of kitty holding a huge heart since she worked in a pet store. Orihime swallowed blinking as he stared at it, his eyes then moving up and connecting with her. She could feel her heart slam against her chest in an almost painful way, her nerves burning.

“Even though it is ridiculous,” he started, “it does suit you.” Orihime smiled a little, her eyes moving down and sliding back up staring at his chest again. Questions burned on her lips as her hand reached up and touched it again, but she stopped pulling her hand back towards her own chest her eyes narrowing.

“I don’t understand how I was able to do this when I failed then at that time.” she started, “how does a hollow gain reason without being cleansed by a shinigami…” she looked at him her head turned slightly.

“You put too much faith in shinigami’s, and is it so hard for you to believe you helped me with this woman?” his voice slightly rough as he watched her eyes concentrate on the now, full space. Her hand reaching out again touching the space, she didn’t really believe him. How could she? But a part of her did, her body felt warm her chest full. Happy almost, feeling important, something…she felt like she accomplished something almost.

Orihime leaned forward, her mind clear as she pressed her lips against the area. A shock going through her in that moment as she felt his skin against her lips. Her stomach burned and her hands shook as she slowly pulled away, face red and her breath short as she realized what she did. She didn’t look up at him nervous and feeling like she did something she wasn’t supposed to do.

Her body stiffened when she felt his fingers on her chin, lifting her face up to look at him. She swallowed, the expression from earlier back his face and eyes soft something she ever thought she would see on his face. Orihime blinked her hand coming up and touching and brushing her bangs back again and in that moment without seeing it his face leaned down and he kissed her.

Orihime’s eyes stayed wide open, staring into his also open as eyes. It was if he was watching her reacting to the very chaste kiss even though she felt his tongue lick her lips before he pulled back.

Orihime’s mouth hoping catching her breath as she felt his hand touch the side of her face. It was her first kiss, he had taken that and she didn’t care. Feelings she had hidden for months bubbling forward after that kiss. “What…” she stopped again when he initiated another kiss this time full of desperation as both his hands grabbed the sides of her face, eyes still open. She for a moment, melted into the kiss before pushing against him. Her lips bruised slightly as she stared at him, breathing hard.

“What are you doing?!” she yelled licking her lips, tasting him, her body burning almost, she wanted more she didn’t want to stop it but she wasn’t sure where it was leading and why.

“It was a kiss.” he stated his arms going back down to his sides, Orihime blinked shaking her head. “It’s what you do when you desire someone, is it not?” her eyes widen from his blunt question.

“Yes…it is..” she breathed out softly, looking at him a blushing fanning her face. “You desire me?”

“You finally got it seems.” he replied dryly. Orihime’s hands shook slightly, her mind buzzing as she looked back up at him her hands lifting up and touching his neck as she stood on her tip toes her hands cupping his face as she kissed him.

What was she doing? She felt his hands touch her sides as he pressed her against the wall, his mouth moving harsh against hers, his tongue pushing and playing against hers. Sucking and biting her bottoms lip. She felt hot and cold her hands tighten in his shoulder as she kissed back. Not caring of the bells ringing in her head as his mouth left hers and he started to kiss her neck, hands moving under her shirt.

She gasped, his fingers running up her stomach. Her mind buzzed and her chest tight. A part of her was telling her to stop it when she moaned as he sucked a apart of her skin his fingers touching her ribs but going no father. The heat was pulling her, she wanted to touch and taste him as well. To make sure he was real, to feel him against her. The feelings she didn’t understand, stronger then anything she felt.


Orihime’s hands moved up touching his neck, she felt him stiffen and then look at her she leaned up and kissed him, her hands moving down and grabbing his pushing him back as she broke the kiss about to speak before he stopped her kissing her again; her fingers playing and zipping the rest of his coat down, her hands running up and down his toned stomach before breaking the kiss her forehead against his.

“You’re back…” she whispered, her body shaking slightly as she kissed him slightly at the corner of his mouth, “Don’t go…please…” and he kissed her again pushing her down onto her small couch staring down at her as she threw his coat off onto the ground.

“I wouldn’t have come if I planned on that.” he leaned down, her eyes widen slightly her hands pushed against his chest. He stared at her his eyes wide from the rejection.

It fell on her slightly, what was happening as she sat up, Herr face red and body shaking, “I’m sorry.” she murmured, she felt hot and cold at the same time as she stood up and paced slightly.

He watched her not saying anything as she thought and then stopped looking at him. “I can’t.” her stomach dropped, would he leave now? Though he said he wouldn’t be here… she bite her knuckle thinking her body still hot from earlier but cool her head clearing.

Ulquiorra stood up then walking over and putting his coat on then. “I see.” but he just stood there, looking back over to her brother’s shrine.

“I’m sorry…”

He looked at her again, his lips turned into a frown, “Why do you keep saying that word? You have no reason to apologize.” she let out a relieved breath. She walked forward to him, her hands grabbing his coat.

“That’s makes me happy…” she laughed her forehead against his chest, her feelings bubbling underneath her skin. Excitement almost as his hand touched her head. “So what now..” she looked up at him, her lips pressed together in a serious look.


“I mean…” she smiled her fingers lacing together, “where are you going to stay? Ior are you going back to Hueco Mundo?”

He just stared at her before speaking, “I planned on staying here, Woman.” she blinked stepping back. “I have no where else I care to be and I would think my feelings are clear as well.” his voice was low at that part. Orihime blinked as she moved back her hand against her forehead. “Or did I presume too much?”

“Ah no…just thinking..” she whispered as she ran to her room, grabbing a blanket and pillow and dropping it on the couch. “You can sleep here, and tomorrow we will visit Urahara-san.” she said as he walked over towards her nodding. “Now I need to take a shower, but are you hungry?”

“No.” she nodded as she walked away but he grabbed her arm she gasped looking at him as he held her wrist his fingers opening her hand as he laid something on her palms. “You take things a little too far, Woman.” before letting go and sitting on the couch, taking his boots off. Orihime’s hand closed, as she ran into the bathroom. Her back against the door as she thought over everything that had happened, her hand opening.

Her hairpins resting there she sighed a small smile on her lips.

Maybe she did.

Her hand tightened over them lifting up and pressing her fist against her chest over he heart. Feeling, what it seemed in a long time, that everything really did happen for a reason and maybe Hacchi-san was right.

It just happened differently.

And now, just how will she explain this to Tatsuki-chan…?

writing: fan fiction, series: bleach, pairing: ulquiorra x orihime

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