(no subject)

Nov 04, 2010 17:51

Title: Taste like Cake
Rating: G
Summary: Orihime tries to get Ulquiorra to like cake.
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: none
Chapters: ..
Notes: Request from the drabble meme request for rusky_boz

Orihime liked cake, nice and sweet, the heavy feeling on her tongue at times. How hard and cool the icing first felt in her mouth before melting into a warmth that she couldn’t describe. It was like ecstasy eating it, she didn’t cake what flavor (though strawberry cake with mixed chocolate and vanilla icing was her favorite) she just loved the treat.

It was a love though, her knew roommate and “special” friend (she wasn’t sure what to call him) didn’t share.

Ulquiorra hated sweets, and especially see3med to hate her favorite sweet of all.


Orihime really couldn’t process this at all, to her it was like hating Christmas (which she felt he probably didn’t like either but that was different), but it was something she enjoyed immensely and seeing him wrinkle his nose at it and make comments as she ate was slightly disheartening.

Until she got the idea to find THE cake for him, Orihime was just sure it was his hollow taste buds talking and he just hadn’t eaten the right one yet. And once he did, he would change his mind and they would enjoy eating it together in peace.

It really didn’t work out that way.

He hated everything, Orihime felt she was learning the hard way that he was very hard to please. Orihime sighed as she sat in the kitchen, which seemed the millionth time as she followed the instructions on what how to make a “bunt” cake she saw in some show.

It didn’t look very interesting and bland but considering who she was making it for Orihime felt that it fit perfectly.

Orihime Enjoyed cooking for other people, the only person she ever really cooked for was Tatsuki-chan and her brother at times when he came home late. Then after they came back from Soul Society she cooked for her friends once….and then Rangiku and Toshiro-kun.

But it was different cooking for Ulquiorra.

Because he actually LIKED her food, well so did Rangiku-san. But the way he did and showed it felt like an accomplishment almost. Since he actually told her what he thought of her dishes and didn’t lie, it hurt but Orihime learned it was just how he was.

“You’re cooking again.” Orihime turned around, the bowl she was holding spilling on her arm slightly, Ulquiorra stared at her hands in his pockets. “I thought you gave this silly quest up.” he didn’t sound irritated as he said it, his eyes held a small amusement to them as he walked over.
Orihime laughed, her hand coming up and clutching in a fist, “I’m not giving up until I find a cake you like!” she hummed her life’s theme song then as she stirred, not talking anymore as he stood and watched her.

“Then should I help?” Orihime blinked and looked up at him as he said that, surprised but nodded.

“Um, yeah!” she put the bowl on the counter, “I have the batter down mostly. You can just help me put it in the mold and then over, and we could put the icing on together!”

“Hmm” was the only sound he made as he watched her finish stirring and then as she pointed to where the mold was. Ulquiorra held the tin mold in his hand staring at it with a strange expression on his face as he finally said, “why is there a hole in this?” Orihime looked at not saying anything at first.

“I guess to make it look nice?”

“Why do you keep making cakes with holes anyway?”

“Like I said,” she laughed, “it makes them look nice and um…easy to cut and it’s just how it is Ulquiorra!” He didn’t say anything but she could tell he was irritated at the logic. “now just… hold it still as I pour it in!” she touched his hands lightly, a warm feeling coming over her for a second before she removed them and picked up her bowl and poured. Then watched Ulquiorra put it in the oven and come back and sit next to her.

Now all to do was wait.

She shifted nervously on her knees Ulquiorra sat beside her, a bored expression on his face as he waited. Orihime wasn’t sure what to d if he didn’t like this one, she only had so much money and time. Plus she was starting to gain weight as well since he would never finish them and she would do it instead.

“I hope you like it..” she smiled looking at him, he gave her a side glance and said nothing, just giving the air of ‘yeah right, woman’ he gave her whenever she had new ideas. She sighed, her hands coming up and grabbing the hair the fell over her chest now, rubbing it nervously as she pushed her bangs back slightly.

“How long will this be?” Ulquiorra said turning towards her, his eyes intensely on hers, Orihime’s licked her lips and check her watch.

“A half hour I think, do you want to watch TV?”

“As long as it isn’t one of those stupid “dramas” or comedic shows you like.” Orihime rolled her eyes as she stood up, grabbing his hand as she lead him to the living room.


Orihime was half asleep, her head against his shoulder when she heard a light dinging sound come from the kitchen, she moved, moving her face more into his shoulder as to block out the sound before she heard his voice telling her in his monotone way to get up now, something was burning.

Oirhime’s eyes snapped opened she jumped up, banging her heel against the coffee table but still hopping off as she ran to the kitchen, ignoring the timer as she threw the stove open as she grabbed her oven mitts on and grabbed it out, not even turning the oven on as she threw it down on the counter.

It was fine.

Orihime panted her body shaking as she steadied back and turned the stove off and yelled, “Ulquiorra, you liar!”

He stood in the doorway watching her, “how am I a liar? It’s done like I said.” he walked over staring at the soft brown cake. It smelled delicious in Orihime’s opinion, not at all bland as she thought it would be.

Orihime sighed not wanting to fight now, “so what icing do you want to use, hmmm?” as she waved her hands over it cooling it and watching his reaction to the cake.

Maybe this was the one.

“It looks appealing, does it really need icing?”

“Yes!” Ulquiorra just blinked at her response as she humped (limbed) over to the cupboard and pulled out many small containers of different kinds of icing, “it’s what makes the cake!” she smiled lining them up, “so what do you want? Chocolate, Vanilla, Banana, Strawberry, Raspberry, Bean pas--”

“Bean paste? Are you serious or are you trying to add that disgusting food onto something it should not be on.” Orihime stared at him and then moved the bean paste container away.”

“Anyway,” she began again listing a few more different flavors before looking up at him expectantly with a huge smile, “well what do you want?”


She giggled as she opened it up, smelling the nice new smell of chocolate as she stepped over and grabbed her ice smoothing spoon to use. “Do you want to help.”

“I’ll watch.” she nodded, her skin shivered, she had to admit she liked it when Ulquiorra watched her do normal things like this, his eyes would never leave her at all and it was a thrill.

After a few minuets she had half of it done and then stopped, before he could say anything she explained, “I think we sho9uld have it half and half, you know? So you could taste it with icing and without so you know what you like the best.”


She nodded, picking up the knife she had grabbed earlier and cutting two pieces as Ulquiorra brought forks and plates over. She was excited to eat it, feeling like a success was on it’s way now that he would finally say he liked cake as well.

Orihime cute two pieces for Ulquiorra’s plate and one for hers so as to try it with him. She smiled at him as she leaned on the counter and took a bite. “Mmmm! This is yummy” she said her mouth full as she put her hand over it, “try it!”

Ulquiorra looked at his, Orihime could see he didn’t look very convinced at all. She sighed, taking more cake on her fork leaning over and grabbing his chin and for a split second opened his mouth and shoved the piece in. Ulquiorra’s eyes widen in surprise and didn’t chew or do anything. Orihime nervously bite her lip, wondering if she made a mistake. “Do you…like it?” she said softly, her hands wringing together.

He started to chew, not saying anything for a few minuets. “It’s good.” was all he said before picking his own fork up and taking a bite. Orihime’s smile widen as she jumped up yelling yell and then moving and grabbing his arm watching him eat it.

“I told you I would find cake that you liked.” she smirked, excited and happy. He just looked down at her, his finger touching the side of her mouth and he put it in his mouth, tasting the icing she had there.

“It seems you did.” Orihime blushed as he said that and as he gave her a piece off of his fork as well.

Now if only she could get him to like pie….

writing: fan fiction, series: bleach, pairing: ulquiorra x orihime

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