(no subject)

Sep 25, 2010 21:55

Title: Asterisk Bottle
Rating:PG-13 (mostly for later chapters)
Summary: It was a job Aizen-sama gave him to do, Ulquiorra just didn't know that this woman would become the bane of his extistance or that genies were real. AU
Character(s): Ulquiorra x Orihime.
Warnings: none
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Kubo Tite
Bete'd: myahle<333 ♥
Chapters: 2/?
Notes: Like I said in my last entry...I was and totally serious with this crack fic XD I hope you guys enjoy it! I'm having a lot of time writing this new multichapter fic.~ ♥

Also please review! And here is a link to the fic on FFnet: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6352133/1/

Ulquiorra sighed, his head throbbing as he leaned back into his couch ignoring the woman near him as she hovered (in mid air) worriedly. His eyes closed, for he just wanted all of this to go away. Ulquiorra hated change, more or less unnecessary change and very annoying types of change.

“Um…master?” she said in a high pitch voice that made his head throb even harder than before. “Do you want me to get you…something?” she squeaked out the last part.

“Leave.” his voice was low. “Now.”

Everything went silent. He heard a rustle, like she was landing. “I was just trying to help you,” she said in an angry voice. Ulquiorra opened one of his eyes slowly, amusement or something welled in his chest seeing her brown eyes so angry and her lips pinched together as her hands were on her hips.

“By blowing me into a wall?”

“Hey! You did not hurt yourself until you fainted after you realized I was telling the truth!” she pointed at him a smirked. Ulquiorra’s own lips tightened.

“I did not faint, Woman. You’re more delusional then I thought.” He closed his eyes again, his hand lifting up and covering them. He heard her give a sigh.

She cleared her throat then, “My name is Orihime. Call me that, and most people would be excited to have a real-live genie to grant them anything. You’re so weird.”

“There is no such thing as genies. All of that is nonsense,” he said clearly, sitting up and staring her straight in the eyes, “I do not know why Aizen-sama gave you to me, but until he wants you back, I’m telling you to go back in your lamp.” Her eyes widened slightly.

She took a deep breath and again looked at him, her eyes full of determination. “I can’t leave you until you use up all of your wishes. It would be impossible for my lamp to leave your presence.” She looked down then, and he could sense she was hiding something. It piqued his curiosity of her slightly, but he ignored it as he stood up, hands in pockets.

“So I make wishes and you will leave?”

The woman nodded enthusiastically, a big smile on her face as she jumped up, sitting crossed leg in the middle of the air.

“Three wishes, I presume?”

“Nope!” she laughed a little as he looked at her incredulously.


She smiled and nodded. “You get twelve wishes.” Ulquiorra gave her a flat expression.

“Twelve,” he said dryly. “I thought in these tales there were only three? Twelve is a little over compensating.”

Orihime gave him a small glare then smiled again. “It depends on the genie, really. Not everything is as it is in tales, Master! Remember the ‘book is better than the movie…’ or something like that, which is what my friend Ishida-kun told me once.” She smiled smugly at him.

“Do no call me that,” he said as he shifted his weight, moving to walk to his bathroom to get some pills for the migraine. Orihime followed him floating.

She then landed softly on the ground. “Then what should I call you?” she teased, her finger lifting up and touching her lip. Ulquiorra’s stared at the woman longer than necessary.

“Ulquiorra.” He looked away, opening his medicine cabinet.

“Then call me ‘Orihime’! “ She smiled, her hands folding behind her as she rocked back and forth on her feet, “not ‘Woman’ or ‘genie’” she mocked his monotone voice.

Ulquiorra didn’t listen as he swallowed the pills dryly. “So twelve?”

Orihime nodded as she moved the pink silk that hung down from her top knot. In her hair were two hibiscus/asterisk hair pins that looked like the design on her lamp.

“Every time you make a wish, one of these petals disappear.”

Ulquiorra stared at her, then nodded. Walking out of the bathroom and back into the living room, he began cleaning up, despite having not ate anything.

“I could clean this for you!” she said following him, “just ask!” She smiled, her hands rubbing together.

“I’d rather not,” he said as he placed the dishes in the sink, then moving back down the hall to his room. “I am going to bed, Woman.” He looked over his shoulder. “I don’t want any trouble, so stay in that lamp of yours.” He then entered his room and shut the door firmly. Orihime sghed as she picked up her lamp and set it on the small coffee table. She turned around and stuck her tongue out in the direction where Ulquiorra went before kneeling in front of her lamp and touching it softly with her fingertips.

She sighed again, slowly drifting into smoke as she entered it, wondering just what was his problem.


Ulquiorra leaned against his door again, the pain in his head getting more intense as he moved to his bed. Not caring that he was still in his clothes and hadn’t washed before bed, he decided the whole evening was ruined.

He was never one to believe in those kind of things. All of this had to be a mistake. Some delusional woman, playing smoke and mirrors on him of course, was now in his house. His eyes tightened as his forearm laid across his eyes. He then sighed.

All of this was too surreal to be true. He would wake up and that lamp would just be a lamp. There was no such things as genies. Ahh, yes. He would then proceed to kill Nnorita and Grimmjow, for they must have done something, or the tow of them are behind this whole situation.

They would pay for it.


The light shined brightly in Ulquiorra’s room, making his eyes open slowly and heavily. His head still ached as he slowly sat up in bed. He could hear a clanging in his kitchen, which made him stand up faster and walk towards the kitchen.

She was still there.

His green eyes narrowed as he stood at the doorway watching her, frustration and anger building up in him as he watched that delusional and crazy woman. Still in her “genie” garb, she was cooking something that smelled like a corpse.

She turned and looked over her shoulder, her eyes widening while her cheeks redden. “You go to sleep in boxers?” she asked, her voice slightly high pitched as she went back to concentrating on what she was doing. Ulquiorra looked down and his eyes shut, embarrassed as he turned around and went to dress. He came back wearing a plain white shirt and jeans.

“What are you doing?” he retorted as he walked into the kitchen, standing right behind her. He could feel her body stiffen in surprise and jump slightly before relaxing. He couldn’t control the amusement from that.

“I’m cooking!” she answered cheerfully.

He stared at her for a few minutes. “No, you’re not.” He watched over her shoulder, not caring he was too close to her as she shifted a little. “If anything, I would call that attempting. You’re not cooking anything that is edible.”

She turned slightly and looked at him, her lips pursed slightly. “Yes, I am. My old Masters had me cook and this is what the last one liked, even though he did have lots of sever stomach pain…I wonder if he ever got that checked out…” she mumbled the last part before happily stirring again.

He moved away then, beginning to make coffee. “I refuse to eat that.”

“That’s not a nice thing to say to someone trying to be kind.”

“I never asked you to be kind,” he turned and looked at her, “I’d rather you leave. I still am not convinced of what you say you are. I’m sure someone set you up to do this as a trick.”

Orihime turned and stared at him. “You’re really in denial…? What do I have to do to prove myself?”

Pouring his coffee in a mug, he didn’t look at her as he walked over and sat on a kitchen chair. “I’ll make a wish.”

She smiled hesitantly. “Really?”

He nodded sipping. “Though first, I assume there are rules for this kind of things? No wishing for love, money, etc?”

Orihime nodded, her head tilting while smiling.

“For someone who doesn’t believe, or even like this stuff, you seem to know the rules~”

“Common knowledge.”

He took a sip as she waited. “I wish for…” He closed his eyes and Orihime was surprised that for a moment his lips softened instead of that frown he usually wore. His whole face, which she noticed was unusually pale for a Japanese man, was soft for a few seconds and then went back to how it usually was as he opened his eyes and looked at her. “I wish for,” he repeated, as he stared at her eager face. “Matcha.”

Orihime blinked for a moment, “Matcha…?” She tilted her head.

“It’s a tea.”

“Oh!” she said suddenly, “I know what that is! Kuchiki-san’s brother sometimes has tea ceremonies.” She smiled. Her face then turned serious as she stared straight ahead. Her legs straight together as her arms moved up and touched her hair pins. She made no sound and movement as the hair pins glowed, and then suddenly right on was a small bag of powder. Ulquiorra stared at it before slowly reaching over and opening it up. His eyes trailed over the soft green powder inside.

He then looked at again, his eyes wide as he sat the small pouch down. “Fine,” he said, “but if you insist to be with me until the eleven wishes are up, wear normal clothes.”

Orihime eyes widened and she smiled. She repeated the motions she did for the tea, and suddenly she was in a short, white tank top and her long auburn hair in a pony tail. She smiled, blushing slightly as Ulquiorra looked over her.

She may have been annoying, but maybe she would have a purpose. He knew though that he would get her out of his life as soon as he can. He needed no distractions right now, more so since he was beginning to think that this was Aizen-sama’s toy.

writing: fan fiction, series: bleach, fic story: asterisk bottle, pairing: ulquiorra x orihime

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