mostly real bored

Oct 13, 2006 15:51

I am a cuddler - indeed i am
I am a morning person - i can be
I am a perfectionist - sort of
I am an only child -definitely not
I am Catholic - i was raised catholic, but i ain't claiming it
I am currently in my pajamas -nope
I am currently single - ...i'm not suuureee... :)
I am currently suffering from a broken heart - hell no
I am okay at styling other people's hair - god no, i can't even style my own!
I am left handed - hell yes i am
I am addicted to my myspace - some days
I am very shy around the opposite gender AT FIRST - only if they're real real hot!
I bite my nails -i used to alot..not that much anymore
I can be paranoid at times - depends
I currently regret something that I have said - nope
When I get mad I curse frequently - it happens 
I like someone - that i do.
I enjoy country music - sometimes the real old stuff.
I enjoy jazz music - it depends
I enjoy smoothies - they're alright sometimes
I enjoy talking on the phone - not really
I have a pet - YES!!! he is my world
I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" person - if by "wrong" you mean they don't like you back...then yes
I have all my grandparents - no :( i miss my grandma and i never even got to meet my other grandma
I have at least one sibling - duh
I have been told that I am smart - yep
I get higher then C's in school - yea
My GPA is higher then 2.5 - last time i checked it was
I have broken a bone - i think my pinky toe once
I have Caller I.D. on my phone - ya
I have bathed/showered with someone - i have.
I have changed a diaper - it's what i do for a living
I have changed a lot over the past year - i think so
I have done something illegal - weed, public intoxication, public nudity, theft...the list goes on!
I have friends who have never seen my natural hair - what a ridiculous question
I have had surgery - yes i have!
I have killed another person - what a horrible thing to do.
I have had my hair cut within the last week - no, but i want to
I have had the cops called on me - surprisingly no one did at my bday party
I have kissed someone I knew I shouldn't - yes, yes i have...a few times
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