Jul 03, 2006 06:57
Here are the interview questions... :)
1) If you had $1million to give to charity, which charity/ies would you give it to and why?
I would give to the charities below because I believe in what they do and have previously supported them with my time...now I'd do it with my money.
-Make a Wish
-Cancer Society
-Negro College Fund
-Habitat for Humanity
-United Way
-I would also find some AIDS foundations and
2) How are you most like your mother?
-My sense of humor and self is very much like my mother
3) Is it best to kiss with eyes open or eyes closed? Why?
-Closed...because when you take sight out of the equation all that is leading you is your heart
4) which do u prefer: the smell of rain, sound of rain, sight of rain, feel of rain or taste of rain?
-The sound of rain. I do NOT like being rained on, but I love staying inside and reading and just chilling out.
5) What was ur first pet and what was he/she called?
-I don't remember my first pet. I think it was a cat...and my parents gave her away because she sat on my dad's head! Hahaha :)