Aug 13, 2005 13:27 is totally shitty right now. nothing is going right again! just when you think its about to get better it just gets worse. not only that but how do u have a relationship that you have to keep hidden? its rediculous. i want something thats open and close! not quiet where your supposed to seem single but not actually be single. ugg its too wried. whatever. school this year is sucking already. my grades this year are of course going to be shit agian. my mom and i are still fighting but shes trying to make up with my by having some big thing for me for my birthday cause ill be 18. its suposed to be a suprise so she wont tell me she only said i cant be a woose. its bs. thats another thing im so fucking sick of the bs! you people seriously should have grown out of it back in like 8th grade! and the imaturity level of kids now a days is so rediculous! omg....this love is rediculous. people need to fucking understand when you love someon you love them! you cant change there minds no matter what the age is! i love him and thats all that matters! and for god sake IM NOT FUCKING 16! IM ALMOST 18 THE AGE IS NOT HAT BIG OF A DIFFERENCE! GET THE FUCK OVER IT PEOPLE! ok well im done i cant bitch nemore. things will only get worse. hmm... this is totally insane. i wish it would stop cause is ruining my life! i so give up with my life and everything in it! i cant stand to care nemore cause i always get hurt. whatever happens now is just going to happen. im not going to stop it and im not going to give in to you people. as that one country singer says, my give a dams busted" fuck this place and everyone in it.