28 Day* Juice Fast

May 15, 2010 21:14

I've decided that my switch to raw food will go better if I go ahead and do a really good, cleansing fast first. Plus, in anticipation of my initiation on June 11, it feels right to do an extended fast. Friday's experiment proved that I could make it through a pretty stressful, energetic day on juice alone without feeling horrid, so I'm hoping that my easier schedule this week will facilitate the first few days of this fast.

My plan is to keep a record, both here and on actual paper, of everything as I go through this. I'd appreciate it if those of you on my F-list, whether you know me in the physical world or not, would do your best to encourage me during this time. I'm in a period of transition, and it's quite exciting. It's going to be rocky, I know, but I'm thrilled about what lies ahead.

Tomorrow I start things, and we'll see how it goes from there.
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