I got this from Kt, in my insane boredom u can now read about me...
Time you started: 3:32 PM
1. Name: Kaitlin Elizabeth, Katie, Katie T, ktt, Kt, Kate, any of the above
2. Birthday: November 13th, 1987
3. Age: 16
4. Hair Color: Brown/blonde highlights
5. Eye Color: Brown
6. Nationality: Italian (even tho i don't look like it in the winter), Dutch (this is where my whiteness comes from), and English
7. Sex: Girl
8. Height: 5'9" i've stopped growing...finally!
9. Weight: uhh i really don't know
10. Where were you born?: Princeton, New Jersey
11. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be?(if you know): Brian...Family name
12. Brothers or Sisters?: NEG
13. How many?: once agian...NEG
14. Names?: here we go again
15. Who's your favorite?: ........
16. Who's your least favorite?: the one that doesn't exsist
17. If you're an only child...do you want any brothers or sisters?: yes def, i want a BIG family older brothers must be good for something
18. Parents/Guardians name?: Debbie and Roy
19. Who's your favorite?: not sure...i love em both, madre buys me stuff and daddy is crazy and has crazy ideas for new adventures
20. Do you like your family?: Yeah they work for me
21. If you could, who's parents would you have?(out of your friends): Kt's parents, they're already like my other parents, and if Kt's parents didnt want me than Casey's parents b/c i've known her forever!
22. If you could, who's brothers/sisters would you have?(same): prolly Casey's sisters
23. Best friend(s)?: Katie, Carley, and Dan...i tell them everything
24. What do you have in common with them(or he/she)?: Carley is my cousin, we like the same good movies from our childhood and being cousins that gives us a strong common thing goin on. Katie is a princess with me and i've known her since 5th grade and we think alike allll the time. Dan just makes me laugh and hes my baby, and he listens to me no matter what. :)
25. What do you like to do with them?: Have parties with them
26. Most trustworthy: Anna
27. Funniest: Katie...she always says crazy shizzy
28. Dumbest: thats not very nice to say about some one
29. Smartest: Justin. def
30. Best Laugh: Casey
31. Best Smile: Carley...i hate u
32. Best Eyes: hmmm idk
33. Funnest to be with: All of em
34. If you woke up one morning and one of your legs were gone...who would you call first?: prolly my parents, thats scary
35. Who's the person you talk to most on the phone?: I dont' talk much on the phone but Car or Kt
36. Do you have any friends that you have never seen?: Paul or any one in CT
37. Who do you see the most?: Kt, i have my own bed at her house
38. Who have you known the longest?: Carley...since she was born *tear*
39. Who's your worst enemy?: i dont' think i have an enemy...unless i'm someones that idk about
40. What don't you like about them?: ....?
41. Was he/she your friend before?: ya got me
42. Are they a dumbass?: If they hate me...i guess so...haha
43. Did they do something to you, or do you just not like them cause of their stupidity?: o lordy
Love Life
44. Do you have a crush?: Yes sir
45. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope
46. What is their name?: when i get a boyfriend i'll telll ya
47. How long have you liked them?: ....
48. How long have you been going out?: were not
49. Are you really in to them? or Are you just eh?: were eh
50. What do you like about them?: ...
51. Do you think you'll last?: uhh
52. (for crushes) Do you think they like you?: i don't know
53. Do you think you'll ever go out?: If i lived in texas
54. Have you gone out in the past?: Nope
55. Color: light blue
56. Food: Pasta, Ice Cream, Pizza, Mac n Cheese
57. Music Genre: Anything
58. Band: Sugarcult
60. Number: 13
61. Letter: K
62. Word: shizzy
63. Swear Word: I don't swear!!
64. Song: Breakaway or Autobiography
65. Day of the week: Saturday.
67. Month: December and November...Christmas and my birthday. And July rocks too b/c its summer and i go to the shore
68. Year: 2002
69. Age you were: 14
70. Season: Spring.
71. Fruit: Banannas
72. Veggie: cucumbers
73. Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough (ben and jerry's)
74. Movie: Save the last dance, A walk to Remember, Thirteen
75. Junk Food: Lolly pops, Twizzlers, Chocolate
76. Cartoon: i dont really like cartoons
77. T.V Show: Degrassi, Will and Grace, Friends, Boy meets world
78. Reality Show: Real World
79. Celebrity(including musicians and actors/actresses): John Mayer and Brittany Murphy
This or That
80. Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
81. Punk/Pop: Pop
82. Rap/RnB: RnB
83. Milk/Chocolate Milk: Chocolate Milk
84. Computer/Laptop: Computer...Laptops piss me off
85. Nsync/BSB: HANSON
86. Green Day/Blink 182: Blink 182.
87. Tupac/Eminem: Eminem.
88. Britney/Christina: Ashlee
89. Black/White: White.
90. Dark/Light: LIGHT
91. Blue/Red: Blue.
92. Pink/Baby-blue: both
93. Short/Tall: Tall
94. Phone/Instant Messanger: IM.
95. T.V./Computer: Computer.
96. Movie/T.V.: TV
97. Mall/Department Stores: Mall.
99. 10/100: 100
100. Internet/Encyclopedia: Internet
101. Home/School: Home
102. Country/Classical: Country
103. New York/California: New York...yeahhh baby!!
104. Batman/Superman: SPIDERMAN!!!!!!...Go get em tiger!
105. Half Empty/Half Full: Half Empty
106. Day/Night: Night
107. January/June: June
108. Christmas/Valentines Day: Christmas.
Have You Ever
109. Drank Alcohol: Yes.
110. Smoked: Nope
111. Gotten Drunk: i wouldn't call it drunk
112. Gotten High: nah
113. Dyed Your Hair: Yeah and now i'm stuck w/ uglyness
114. Kissed the Same Sex: no i haven't
115. Thought about Killing yourself: Not really
116. Hated yourself: oh yeahh
117. Liked someone way older than you: Can't say i have, except for John Mayer but hes only 10 years old...so i don't think that counts
118. Liked someone way younger than you: Maybe like a year younger
119. Broken a Bone: Yep, twice...its friday the 13th working for me
120. Had Surgery: idk if wisdom teeth count but they should
121. Talked to Strangers: haha yeah its fun
122. Ran Away From Home: I packed my little suitcase and said i was goin to my grandmas, got to the back deck and decided to go back inside b/c it was 2 far away
123. Did the opposite your parents told you to do/not to do: Yeah, aren't you suppose to?
124. Sang in public: Yep
125. Worn a Dress: tons of times
126. Worn a Tie: Yeah i have
127. Worn a Suit: Can't say i have
128. Gotten in to a physical fight: Nah i don't like blood or ne thing on me
129. Hurt someone emotionally: Probably
130. Hurt someone physically: nope, i was a good girl
131. Made someone cry: i guess
132. Said you loved someone: yeah *sigh*
133. Said you hated someone: many times
134. Talked to a stuffed animal: doesn't everyone...?
135. Talked to yourself: When i don't have anyone else to talk to...which is like allll the time
136. Driven a car: yeah i got my permit!
137. Danced in public: HAHA yeah, i went to a club w/ kt and i guess school dances count, and OH YEAH my dance recitals they def count
138. Danced when no one was looking: u got me there!
139. Sang when no one was looking: I sing all the time
Other Questions I Seemed to Forget.
140. Do you believe in Love: Yes.
141. Love at first site? Depends on if their cute
142. Your Definition of Love: Love is when you think about the person all the time and when they would do anything for you and you the same. And no matter what you always have someone to turn to.
143. Your definition of a true friend: Someone who listens and isn't afriad of being crazy and can tell me the truth when i need it
144. Your religion: Christian
145. Do you go to church: Yeah not that much in the summer...maybe i should start. hmm
146. Favorite Candy: Lolly Pops
147. Are you happy you made it here?: Yeah this thing was forever long
148. Are you going to send this on?: no one
149. Did you enjoy it?: some of it
150. Time: 4:17 PM