Apr 21, 2005 18:03
.....if you see me on the 11 o'clock news tonight, for killing my mom's boyfriend!
For some reason he really has it out for me today. He trashed my room by putting everyone's shit that was laying around the house into my fucking room. When I got home from work today I couldn't even get inside my room. I had to take my door off it's fucking hinges. He must have done the same to fit all that shit in my room.
Then just a few minutes ago I was looking for my new Jackie O sunglasses when I spotted them on top of the fridge. I grab them and to my horror they had been snapped in to. Apon closer inspection I noticed that it had been on purpose because there is no way if they had been stepped on or dropped that they could fucking break like that. This shit is unfuckingbelievable. I'm half tempted to report his ass to the cops because that mother fucker hasn't paid child support in 4 years and he has bench warrants out for him. Or I could just kill the sonofabitch.
Ben can't rescue me until 11 tonight. Some body, any body..... HELP!!!!!