Mar 23, 2005 17:44
1.) Fix yourself before you fix broken relationships...How do you expect something broken to fix another broken thing
2.) Stop sleeping with ------... If he doesn want to hang out with you with out the fucking then tell him to fuck off
3.) Clean your room...Once you unclutter your surrounds you'll be able to unclutter your life.
4.) Get license...Once you have that then you'll be totally independent and you won't have to avoid your friends anymore.
5.) Exercise more....exercising releases endorphins, endorphins make you happy. Plus you'll drop that 20 lbs. faster
6.) Manage your money better...key word "SAVE"!! The more you save the more money you'll have for school and getting your own place
7.) Be true...Tell the truth, to yourself and other. No matter what.
8.) Go to college in August...DO THIS!!! Or hire someone to kick your ass if you don't.
9.) Communicate with family and friends better...Call and write your father more. You only have one and his time is running out.
10.) Get healthy...get back on adderall and have your blood work done.