(no subject)

Aug 04, 2006 16:00

Hello All!

Summer has been so hectic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  June was spent working at the Pet store and working at 4-H camp.  1st week of July was spent working as well.  2nd week of July was spent at Lycoming College in Williamsport being "trained" as a dairy princess.  I'm not exactly sure still how I feel about that.  Pretty much it was a wasted week and I'm glad I never have to do it again *wipes brow in relief*.  However, I have been to several events as a dairy princess and it is a ton of fun!!!!!!!  3rd week of July was spent in intense heat and with several million biting bugs in Hickory Run State Park as a counselor at 4-H Camp Shehaqua.  It is always a super fun time - some of my very good friends came and I had such a nice week, albeit an extremely hot week.  4th week of July was the KIMBERTON FAIR which merits its own paragraph.

Kimberton is such a fun week.  I stayed out at the fairgrounds all week, and I just love it.  So, in case anyone cares, here are the results.  I was first in fitting (how clean and well prepared the cow was) and 2nd in fitting (how well I showed the animal).  I was really really happy!  Dusty, my brown swiss (the one in my background) was 1st in her type class (how well made the animal is - if anyone wants me to go into detail on cow judging I am more than happy to!), Junior Champion in the open class as well as in the 4-H class, reserve Grand Champion of the open Brown Swiss show, and Grand Champion of the 4-H Brown Swiss Show!!!!!!! I am so proud of her.  I am also proud of myself because at the beginning of the year I picked her out of the 6 choices I had, and she has just done so well.  My older cow, Beezi, who is the love of my life and my good friend, had a very large bull calf in late March.  Unfortunately, it died (it didn't get enough oxygen during the birth) and poor Beezi had a very rough start to her first lactation.  Her udder is very small but very correct!!!!!! She also gained some weight after her tough birth so she looked good.  Anyway, I used her in showmanship and fitting (thanks girl!).  She was 1st in her type class, reserve 4-H senior champion of the Lineback show, and reserve 4-H grand champion of the Lineback show!!!!!!!!!! She has matured into such a nice little cow, and in the future I hope to purchase one of her daughters!!!!

This past week has been crazy - my parents left on July 22 for SanFran along with my little sis, so the house has been very quiet - which I love.  I need to clean my room so badly though, it isn't funny.  Seriously.  I also need to take inventory of all the things that I have amassed for college and what I still need to get :)  27 days and counting - can you believe it???????

I also got a job because of a really ballsy thing that I did!  I gave my name and phone number to this lady who is the herd manager at Seven Stars Farm in Phoinexville.  The owner, Edie, called me about 2 weeks ago and long story short I have an awesome job for the next 2 weeks!!!!!! I still can't believe it - the pay is unbelievable and the experience is worth so much.  Hopefully this will secure me a job for next summer and the experience will help me get employment up at Penn State!!!!!!  I milk on Wednesday Thursday, and Saturday mornings from 3:30 to app. 6:30 or 7:00, then I go home, shower, and SLEEP! till about noon.  It is awesome.

I know that this entry wasn't really about me and my total mental state, however things have happened of recent that are rather private and it wouldn't be fair to other parties if I was to talk about them here - I hope everyone understands.  Plus, let's be honest - everyone knows that my cows are the most important to me anyway.  Aside from friends, of course :)

I love you all. 
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