Jun 28, 2006 09:59

Seriously. Do I just attract the losers of the pet world?

Type your cLast night, I'm sitting at home, and I get a call from work. My coworker called me and said there was a woman there who had a rabbit problem, and she thought that I might be able to help. I assumed that is was a question about litter training, or hay, or something like that. Instead, I talked to a woman who said this:

woman: "I have this rabbit who is SUPPOSED to be a dwarf but he's 4lbs now, and he's completely unlitter trained. He also doesn't let me pick him up at all! I have all sorts of toys for him and everything, and he has a cage, and I let him run around the appartment, but it is just getting to be too much for me."
me: "How old is the rabbit?"
woman: "I got him around Easter" (figures)
me: "It sounds like he has hit "bunny puberty". Neutering will help immensly with his undesirable behaviors, and with his litterbox habits. However, you just need to be diligent. Confine him to a small, easily cleaned space, like his cage or a bathroom. Pick up his loose poop, ect . . .

This went on for a few minutes - her listing the buns "problems", and me offering possible things she could try. However, it came down to this:

woman: "Look, I just can't deal with this. I live by myself in a 2 bedroom appartment and it's just too small for both of us. Will you take the rabbit? I love him so so so much, I just can't handle the pee. Plus, he was supposed to be a dwarf. I'm never getting another rabbit - they are just so unmanagable."

I asked her to think about it for a few days, and I think that I convinced her to try a few of the things I suggested.  I gave her some websites that I had found helpful, and she said she would call back next week.  I WAS SO ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This poor bun has done NOTHING wrong.  He just grew up :(  I hope that she can find it in her heart to love this little bun, and to accept him as his grownup self.

However, I have a sick feeling that this little guy is going to end up as my new foster rabbit :(  So - once again, the cry goes out:  Can anyone find in their hearts and homes a place for a little sweet 6 month old beauty?  If he comes to me, I will take him to a vet, free of charge to the adopter, and I will post pictures and more information as I get it - as well as updates if his owner decides to keep him.

Also - UPDATE ON GEORGE, my previous foster bunny:  
    My vet performed an autopsy, and it has been confirmed that he had an infection that began in his leg, but was left untreated for far too long, and spread to other parts of his body.  It has also been determined that although George's previous owners had not caused the infection, the lack of treatment did cause his death.  His age has officially been placed at 4 - 6 weeks.  My vet has reported the owners to our local county animal control, and I was mentioned as an annonymous rescuer.  So it is out of our hands now, but at least I did all I could do. 
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