Jan 20, 2005 09:13
ugh bad practice again :( but o well it just makes me try harder ..anyways today i had 3 exams i think i did good on physics..health i thought i did good until the teacher came up to me later and said i did rele bad n didnt write enough in the 10 essays we had to write..i hate mr ingram..and govt that was the hardest test i have ever takin so prolly didnt do good on that either lol...so today wasnt that exciting.. hopefully tomorro will be more x-citing haha yeeaa..britt spence tomorro is gon b a dream come true haha its gon b awsomeee woop woop..and if anyone knos how to put pics on this thing help me please!! lol kk im gon go eat cyaass
and it better snow alot saturday lol its gon b awsome k10
i love youu
<33 heather