Name (nicknames too): Aaron
Age: 22
Location: Toronto
Relationship Status: Taken (sorry ladies and gentlemen)
Size (No, we don’t really care we’re just nosy): 9
Favorite color: Yellow and Orange
Favorite type of music: Psychedelic
Describe yourself in three words: The man who
What’s the bitchiest thing you’ve ever done: Shat in a public bathroom with the seat up
The sweetest thing: Baked a cake for my neighbour on neighbour's day
Why should we make you a Hot Ass Bitch: You don't need to, I already am one.
What makes you a hot ass bitch: my bitchy hot ass
So tell us, does your milkshake really bring all the boys to the yard: It brings all the fine ass bitches to the yard
And if so, is it better than mine: NES!
Do you even like that song: It's tubular
Promote us to atleast one person or be execute: Ok, I promoted you to my friend Geoffrey