In lifes dulling moments come the greatest days of all...

May 24, 2006 10:21

I fell asleep, with my life running on cruise control. I went through the movements, and I became just another human. I had dreams of other plans and other days of happiness, only I never woke from this constant sleep. I kept looking through the eyes of someone who was just another number,just another body. One day I finally woke from this wretched sleep to find someone waiting for me. I began a new life, a new existence with him. I think clearly,I focus on other things besides material items. I fear nothing, and I see all. As I woke from this sleep congnitive state, I realized..this is life..this is what I have been searching for all my life..a few of the things that make my life are..

The Unstoppable four ..Tyler & Abby, Dan & Me
The Government..I realized they are full of shit
George W. Bush...He should be shot..
I got cast in A Midsumer Nights Dream as one of the two lead female roles..

My life has slowly been coming together, and so has the world..
My life is dedicated to the bettering of society for those who come after me..
I found someone to fight wiht me, the evils of the world..

When I woke up, I never dreamed of this world becoming a's perfect..
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