Interview LiveBlog | ESS on OutTakes Talks (BlogTalkRadio), 26 July 2010

Jul 26, 2010 20:44

Originally published at LoveLure's Luke and Reid Blog. Please leave any comments there.


Grr…. I managed to crash two browsers trying to keep this updated, and ended up taking notes off line.  Highlights:
  • When asked point blank whether LuRe fans will be happy with the ending, Eric’s response was "I was. I loved the way (Reid’s storyline) wrapped up."
  • The writers "kept the integrity of the character throughout."
  • He cited Van’s hiatus and promised "things will pick up" and mentioned that they’re at a point where it’s less interesting to watch them talk about their relationship than to see them "actually having interactions, being playful"
  • Reid’s sarcastic but not a bad guy - reinforced the "no character assassination" message I got.
  • He would consider another soap.
  • The lemonade was ad libbed but the take that aired was not the first take.
  • Eric’s definitely a smart guy - fabulously articulate throughout, but responses also included "arduous" and "circuitous" (not really your dimestore adjectives!)

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I lost track of the times I cheered at both the questions and the responses. What follows is as close to a transcript of all the interesting parts as I could capture. I did not transcribe all the gushing or I’d have carpal tunnel in both hands.  Paraphrasing is rampant in questions. Responses are abbreviated, but verbatim as much as I could manage.

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much ado about nothing, lovelure, atwt, outtakes, 26 july 2010, liveblog, as the world turns, blogtalkradio, interview, outtakes talks, vermont shakespeare company, interviews/press

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