Jun 16, 2004 23:36
I really need to get my sleep schedule back in order. This staying up all night playing Diablo and sleeping till 2pm has got to go. Mikaela you would be upset with me. I haven't run in almost 2 weeks now. I did; however, finally get my room completely clean.
Tonight I went with Dan and Randall to see "Saved!" which I really enjoyed. For those who don't know it's a Christian comedy with Maucauly Culkin, Mandy Moore, Jena Malone, and Patrick Fuquit (yes that's William Miller from "Almost Famous). It was a really good film and had some hilarious moments. I would recommend it for the masses.
Now it's off to bed with me I have to be at Busch Gardens at 8 am. Take care.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: from the movie "Saved!"
Mary's Mother: "I just try and remember when God closes a door, he opens a window."
Mary: "Yeah so you have something to jump out of."