Aug 10, 2006 06:31
i have no way of bringing out my frustration, unless i worked out and let out what seems like gallons of sweat. the past few days have been nothing but complete bullshit. and i stand by that.
it all started on sunday when we were sent out to go to a village south of the city, our job was to search around the 100+ house town and look for insurgents, weapons, you know.. that bad stuff. we were sent down in Amtraks which are those stupid things you see landing on the beach in Normandy in Saving Private Ryan. yeah, we rode those things across the god forsaken desert. the shit was not ventilated enough and at times it hit 120 degrees [or more] in there. after a 2 hour ride, we were dying already.. and the first day wasn't even over with.
success with the first house because [i found 2 AK47s / 1 bag of ammo] my squad found an AK and hand grenades and whatnot. we took two people to send to jail and we were off to more houses. so now we had to fit 2 more people in an already 20 person packed vehicle, along with the stuff we collected. it was horrible and ungodly hot. we searched 10 houses or so after that and finally got a chance to sleep - of course i stood 2 hours worth of post on a possible 8 hours of sleep.
the next day we were already hurting and tired. we heard another platoon already had 5-6 heat casualties, 2 from just getting off the Traks. we searched houses, we set up VCPs. all in the bearing morning and afternoon heat. we were actually shot at in a driveby and one mortar landed across the street from us, but we gave up chasing anyone all too quickly. soon after we were able to get some sleep and continued onto search more houses. this is when 3 people from my squad dropped, one throwing up nonstop and another hit a 106 temp. redic. we stopped early on and found a place to sleep.
another day begins and we find ourselves back at the first house we searched, found a camera and some ammo - thats about it. we then decided to scoure the desert in search of who knows what and found nothing except 2 1/2 wasted hours and dillusional minds from the heat. we bailed out [when we had already gone a few miles] and drove back on Traks to our CoC. we were able to catch up on sleep and thats when we were mortared && IPs hit an IED and decided to shoot all over the place ["death blossom"] and rounds flew over our heads. that night we were able to move out, but OF COURSE we stopped at that first house AGAIN and this time no one was home and nothing was there. a few hours later we were back on traks heading back to the CMOC. what a fucking waste of time.
i am getting sick and tired of dealing with bullshit and its not getting any better. i am glad there isn't much more than 2 months left until i am home, but things are getting more and more retarded day by day. sigh. help.