May 15, 2012 09:23
Assuming I pass the background check, I have a new job that starts Monday!!! IN MY ACTUAL FIELD, zomg! I'll be doing sample prep at Covance in Nutritional Food Chemistry Services, it's very entry level and I'm a bit overqualified for it and it's only temp through the end of the year, but it's a good starting point and OH MY FUCKING GOD, I FINALLY HAVE A JOB WHERE I CAN USE MY DEGREE! \o/! It only took me a year to get it (the fact that it was a phone interview probably helped, I get very nervous doing in-person interviews).
Because of a bunch of things, I'm going to have to keep working my current job for 3 weeks while working my new job, which means that I'll be a little crispy fried around the edges come Friday. But, the paychecks will be very, very nice and go some way to compensating working 70+ hours a week ;)
zomg yeah!