(no subject)

Dec 07, 2006 23:19

It's about that time again when finals roll around and my emotions begin to take over. Why am I so prone to stressing out 10thousand times worse than everyone I know? Somehow I was able to get through this week and still have a pulse. I just have to try and make it through the next week and I'll be able to enjoy my birthday, christmas, new years, andrew's birthday and our anniversary. There is so much to look forward to, but it is so difficult to be happy when I have so much riding on passing these stupid classes.

After bombing my geology lab final today, it looks like I have to make atleast a 75 on the class final in order to PASS the class with a high D. Usually, the prof does a pretty large curve so I could potentially make a C. However, after my recent test track record, I will be lucky to get 60 questions right on the exam. I am really stressing out about this...I HAVE to pass in order to graduate.

In addition to the geology final on Thursday, I have my huge behavioral endocrinology exam on Wednesday and two papers due Wednesday as well. Somehow I was able to do a 10 page paper and take two exams today. I will most likely get A's in both of my english classes, an A in my gov course and if I can pull out a high B or A on my psych final, I could potentially make a B in that course. But man...geology is what is going to kill me. I'm freaking out.

I just don't understand how I studied for two days straight for geology and still had no idea what 70% of the questions were talking about. Why am I so horrible at science?! Why can't all testing methods be in essay form?? These are two of the many questions I will carry with me to heaven when I pass away. Another question i will ask the almight is, Why must Sam constantly pee on our most expensive items in the house? Why does he feel the need to mark his territory on expensive electronics, or on the presents under the Christmas tree? How can such a small dog have such a huge bladder?

Mind boggling, really.

Here are some random pictures from the last week...

Robby and his schnauzer Molly, who is in desperate need of a haircut.

Our treeee.

Adam, our roommate and the Canadian playin Xbox360, like usual, haha.
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