but this is how i feel about our new immigration law
**originall posted as a comment in
bluegrasskitty's blog. her MIL lives here and is in support of the bill**
living in arizona, and being of hispanic descent although i look white and recently married a man with a white last name, this gets me pretty infuriated too.
what your MIL refuses to acknowledge (which lets face it, is how MOST republicans feel) is that the mexicans are not even causing the majority of the gang problems in arizona. the majority of our gangs problems stem from dumb white boys, poor indians on the rez, and the ocasional black or mexican person. i worked for a few years in a game store in one of the poorest and "brownest" neighborhoods in mesa. which is in maricopa county, where sheriff joe arpaio has been rounding up people based on skin color for years, and i have witnessed all the things you talk about. kids who were born in america *which btw makes the parents legal too* not going to school or getting medical attention and vaccines, out of fear that the nurse or teacher will call LA MIGRA. its ridiculous. and you know what? my store went out of business because of it. because people became too scared to leave their homes, AMERICAN CITIZENS LOST THEIR JOBS! it's wrong.
what we need to be doing, instead of rounding people up and removing them from our country is helping them to thrive. we need to get our of the middle east and asia's conflicts and quit starting wars to "bring democracy" to iraq and Afghanistan, and help our neighbors to the south. i was born in el paso, my grandparents immigrated here illegally and a lot of my childhood was spent going to jaurez to shop and eat. you can't even do that anymore. in 2010 alone there have been over 2,000 drug cartel related deaths in juarez. there were 7500 murders there last year. and if your MIL, and all the other republicans in AZ, think that there are problems now...they have no idea. those murders haven't bled onto our soil, but you can bet your bottom dollar they will if the mexican government doesn't get it together soon. and they're not going to be able to without help. it is literally like a scene from scarface down there. and i've lost too many friends and relatives to not be upset about it.
should people carry their ID? yes. legal citizens and white people too are required to carry a state issued ID in AZ. that's really not what bothers me about this law. what bothers me about this law is a- it's infringing on everything we as americans should stand for and b- it's going to be extremely detrimental to our already suffering economy. mesa, az has the 2nd most foreclosures on family homes out of any city in the nation. the only city with more is detroit!!! and this used to be the fastest growing metropolis in the nation. it's a beautiful state. we should be welcoming people. the proponents of this bill say that they want to stop mexicans with criminal records, and terrorists like the ones responsible for 9/11 (isn't that the best buzz term you've ever heard) who came in through canada and mexico. so why arent we creating work programs and better screening processes.
white people don't want to pick cotton or build houses in the 110 degree Arizona July, so lets create a program allowing immigrants to gain work visas, screening them and performing background checks in conjunction with mexico. let's put together a healthcare addendum that allows them to pay taxes into medicare and seek the appropriate pre-natal and pediatric health care. let's build schools for migrant workers' children. so that the next generation is educated and doesn't have to constantly tun from the law or resort to selling drugs.
i know it would cost money. a lot of money. but just like starting a business, you need to spend money to make money. instead of creating a police state, Arizona should be an example. we should be an example of the american dream, of everything that our founding fathers, and the first western settlers stood for..