Nov 24, 2004 20:21
yesterday, I finally realized how ADD-ish I am. I was outside during recess, talking to meaghan about something (i forget what), and I was practically in the middle of my sentence and I pulled my hand out of my hoodie pouch and I was like "hey! look! a skittle!" (i had some leftover from lunch) and just popped it into my mouth without finishing my sentence, nor thinking about continuing my sentence when I finished devouring my find.
this isn't the first time I've acted so mindless. I can't even begin to count how many times I've sat in class and just started cracking up for no reason. just out of the blue: I start laughing, cracking up. its insane.
what causes humans to act in such a fashion?
another thing I've noticed is how easily I completely forget something that I've poured my thought into for hours. for example, I'll take a subject (any subject; politics, music, society, morals) and continually think about it until I come to a conclusion, and then, its gone and completely vanished from my mind. every piece of it, including what the problem and/or point was and my thoughts on it. its almost like God is playing some kind of cruel joke on me or something of the sort.