Nov 22, 2004 17:03
So.. today in religion class we learned about mortal sins and venial sins. Mortal sins are defined as sins that destroy your relationship with God; you lose God's grace. Venial sins are defined as weakening your relationship with God. When I take this into account, I realized something: you never had a strong relationship with God. God created man unperfect, and because of Adam and Eve's sin, we are born with original sin, which further flaws us until we are baptized. And since we're so unperfect, everybody sins. Now, if everybody sins, (some more than others) how does anybody have a sturdy relationship with the Lord? Yes, yes it's true that there is reconciliation, but usually within a week you've committed another sin because the Church practically makes living life a sin. How many of us can say we actually go to confession besides the times that we go as a school? How many of us can honestly and truthfully say we've never used God's name in vain? And further, how many of us can say we've never talked about someone in a bitter fashion?
How do they expect us to love Jesus when he's got his big nail-pierced hands around our necks?
..This is yet another reason I wish I didnt have to get confirmed..