Sep 03, 2009 14:13
i cant even explain how much i love college.
every single day is wonderful
the work right now isnt that bad
and my roommates are super awesome
except one
i just get the feeling she doesnt like us
like at all
we invite her places and she always declines
i get the she doesnt smoke or anything but she could still hang out and try to get to know us
but she doesnt even try
she doesnt tell us anything about her
and it bugs me i really want to be her friend she seems like a genuine person.
oh well
but anyways its thursday and i dont have class untill 12 tomorrow
so im very excited to see what happens tonight.
im going to an a cappella group tonight with hillary (she lives next door)
and im excited but the auditions are supposed to be saturday
and i wont be here
im going home well going to salem
im gonna stay at pauls house for the weekend and party and do things i shouldnt
im not telling my mom so i dont have to deal with that
so dont tell her...
but hopefully they will let me audition tonight or maybe tuesday or something
oh i am so happy about this long weekend it will be so nice to just chill
ill miss my roommates when im gone
linsey and i have gotten super close.
its sweet shes awesome.
i should read this play now.
oh im changing my major fo shoz.
peace and love