Jun 20, 2005 00:05
200. My name is: Leah Anne Catherman
199. I was born on: Feb. 21, 1985
198. I am an: interest person.
197. My hair color is: Brown
196. My eye color is: Greenish
195. My shoe size is: 9
194. My ring size is: 9
193. My pant size is: that's okay..
192. My height is: 5'6"
191. I am allergic to: all the normal stuff
190. I live in: Michigan, becasue it's awesome with all four seasons!
189. The last book I read: Unbearable Likeness of Being, it's way good.
188. My bed is: Awesome, it's brand new too!
187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: They have ugly things called penis'
186. I am glad I'm my sex because: we don't have a penis... thank god
185. I would rather be the other sex because: They don't have monthly issues.
184. My Best friends are: Amanda, Jenni, Stephanie, Allison, Rachel
183. In a relationship I know I would never: Cheat
182. The best pig out food ever is: Tortilla chips & cheese!
181. Three things I can never resist are: Money, Free food, and a road trip
180. School is: about to be done for like 6 months for me! Woot Woot!
179. My favorite pajamas are: Sport shorts and big T-shirt
178. A perfect kiss is: awesome, breathtaking
177. The last three CDs I bought are: Keith Urban, Keith Urban, wow, Rascal Flatts i think
176. Last song that made me cry was: "awful beautiful life"
175. Best song you've ever heard: anything keith or rascal
174. Song you listen to when you're pissed off: Creed or something not country
173. I could not live without: Friends and family and sisters
172. My most treasured possession is: my picture of my God mother
171. The channel on TV I couldn't live without is: VH1 i think
170. What did you do last night: played a little rummie, had a little rum
169. The funniest quote I know is: yikes? i can't chose
168. The quote that sums it all up for me is: "God doesn't close a door without opening a window"
167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): Tan real quick
166. I miss someone right now: true
165. I've been the psych-ex in a past relationship: false
164. I watch more TV than I used to: True
163. I love to play video games: true - a new found fun this past school year
162. I curse frequently: true
161. I've been to another country: true
160. I love rain, sometimes: true
159. I have a secret I'm ashamed to admit: false
158. I have fresh breath in the morning: false
157. I am usually pessimistic: I'd say about half the time
156. I love to shop: .FALSE
155. I have kissed someone of the same sex: false
154. I am currently single: true :-(
153. I'm addicted to facebook: true
152. I've never been in a real relationship: false
151. I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life: eh
150. I've done something illegal: true, only off by like 7 months..oops
149. I have a lot to learn: true!
148. Pizza hut has the best pizza: true
147. I watch Spongebob Squarepants and enjoy it: true, my roommate can do his laugh...
146. I'm procrastinating on something right now: False!!!!
145. I play(ed) a musical instrument: true, flute and piano
144. I strongly dislike math: TRUE!
143. I'm suffering from a broken heart: false
-I Do/Do Not Believe in-
142. Love at first sight? we'll see
141. Luck? Yes
140. Fate? Yes
139. God? Yes
138. Aliens? Nope
137. Heaven? Yes
136. Hell? No
135. Ghosts? Yes
134. Horoscopes? sometimes.
133. Soul Mates? Yeah
132. Satan? No
131. Santa Clause? :o)
130. Yourself? Sometimes
-Which is Better?-
129. Hugs or Kisses: Kiss
128. Drunk or High: Drunk
127. Phone or Online: Online
126. Girls with/without Hats: ?
125. Blondes or Brunettes: Brunettes
124. Lemons or Limes: Lemons
123. Pool or Hot Tub: Pool
122. Guys with/without Facial Hair: hummm
121. TV or Movies: Movies
120. Night or Day: night
119. Oranges or Apples: Oranges
118. Curly or Straight hair: i can do both
okay never mind, i'm not doing the rest of it, it's too fuckin glong... forget that shit...
lol, swearing, hell yeah!