Nov 05, 2004 19:29
woah i havent written in a long time,not that u really care but yea...skool sux as usual and im failing three classes(not good no sirr--ee)oh yeah i quit choir it feels like i have been released from i dunno something, and no i havent missed that much skool..well my teacher miss landry called home and said i had 13 tardys thats crazy and i dont really remember them ah so its kinda weird but yeah...
today me and ariel went to briannes house we walked down to the beach(zuma)ans swam for a little it was fun but cold then we ate tacos{yummm}and ariel dropped me home. now im tired and bored and i need some fun things to do so i am going to write in this thing for ever and see what i can write....if i saw this i would probably not want to read this crap load of writing, but maybe ur whats new tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc...oh yeah i know some poeple who like sean k and cute is that anyways. i really need to do better in skool....and heres a very speicail thing i want to birthday is on november 30th yay!!and heres some other news...i think that its really stupid other moms read these things.first of all its ur kids businnes and u should respect that and trust should snoop around ur kids stuff thats so i dunno rude ...just b/c u gave birth to them doenst mean u can go snooping on their frineds journal...but what ever if u wanna be a mom that everyone hates go for it!anyways peace luv give me ahug(lol carle) later and the moms who do snoop its alrigth if thats ur thing im not sayign that in a mean way it just seems that way when im typing im just setting my opinion on the table....
peace erika