Oct 19, 2004 15:04
when people say sometimes things dont go the way u plan....well right now i cant think of anything more true...except for the fact that people are so fuckin stupid i cant even begin to describe it...im about to cry but im not sure if its cuz im mad or sad...it really sucks when you tell someone they are going to go down a certain road and they do that exact thing...and the worst part is that its the worst road possible...and sitting here thinking that the next time i see them will be when they are dead in a casket..yea its not the most comforting feeling ive ever had...but i guess it comes to a point when they go one way and u have to go the other...sucks but its the truth...so yeah...thats my wonderful rant for today...fuck all the people that ruin their lives...and fuck the fact that there isnt jack shit u can do about it...