Dec 06, 2004 08:33
Copper Fact Sheet
*The name "Copper" comes from the Latin word "Cuprum" and it is believed that copper has been mined for 5,000 years and first by the Ancient Egyptians.
* Copper is typically too inactive to react with acids, however it reacts with No2, Cl and forms Cu2O and CuO.
*Cu2+ and Cu+ are present in the human body and requires 2mg daily. The copper's function is to produce Iron metabolism, a component of enymes. This may be found in chocolate, cherries, and lobster.
*Copper is typicallly used in the electric industry because it is a good conductor of heat. 99.999% high purity Cu is availablefor commercial purchess.
*New Pennies have a zinc core and a copper coating. Pre-1940's pennies were pure Copper until the military needed the excess for weapons in World War 2.
*Policemen in the United States were nicknames "Cops" or "Coppers" due to the copper buttons on their uniforms.
"Simple Stuff"
Atomic Number 29
ATM 63.546
Transition metel
Reacts with Nitric Acid and dissolves
Reacts with Chlorine and produces gas
Color is Reddish Metallic
Atomic Radius .128 nm
Electronegativity 1.9
Solid at room temperature
Boils at 2562 degrees Celcius
Density is 8.94g/mL at 25 degrees Celcius
Works Cited
"Copper." University of California. 15 December 2003. 2 December 2004.
Kotz, John. et al. Chemistry; Principles andn Reactions. 2004 ed. Cantorn Productions.
Los Angeles, 2003.