(no subject)

Dec 26, 2004 23:10

So Christmas came and went. 'Twas good. Hope everyone is well.
I'm still debating on the guitar. I think I'm gonna get it... Hmm..

Last night was quite interesting. This guy Kevin keeps on harrassing me, mocking my religion and such. I've blocked him tons of times but he has a million screen names. So I let my sister Heather deal with him this time. It was funny. Some people can be so ignorant and retarded it's... pretty depressing. This guy is so completely retarded, we couldn't stop laughing. He's completely mentally twisted. If anyone is bored and wants to bug him to death for me, feel free.
This is the
Kdiddy7415: happy hannukah
Kdiddy7415: or whatever it is that you mormons celebrate ,like several wives, instead of christmas like normal people    (*note: we don't believe in plural marriage, and we celebrate Christmas just like all other Christians)
Kehaulani516: hi, who's this?
Kdiddy7415: lisa?
Kehaulani516: you, retard
Kdiddy7415: is this lisa?
Kehaulani516: i don't know, is it?
Kdiddy7415: you sick mormon freak
Kehaulani516: you have a weird mental process
Kdiddy7415: you have weird religious beleifs
Kehaulani516: how does one go from "is this Lisa?" to "you sick mormon freak"? I'm simply amazed. Please inform me how you make that connection
Kehaulani516: you have weird conversational skills
Kdiddy7415: you have wierd antijesus religious skills (*note: Mormons=Christians. if he read the Book Of Mormon, he'd realize it says Jesus Christ like 47384732985795437563 times)
Kdiddy7415: you insane pagan girl (*note= how can you be pagan when you only believe in God. as in, the only god?)
Kehaulani516: what, exactly, is it that is so weird about our beliefs
Kehaulani516: antijesus?
Kdiddy7415: antijesus
Kehaulani516: before you harrass someone, read up on the literature
Kehaulani516: your stupidity amazes me
Kdiddy7415: go and have orgies with your multiple partners in the name of satan
Kehaulani516: how, exactly, are we antijesus when the name of our church is The Church OF JESUS CHRIST of Latter-day Saints?
Kehaulani516: if you were in tune with the times, you would realize that that was outlawed a HUNDRED years ago
Kdiddy7415: later day saint is nickname for lucifer (*note: LDS means a saint in the Last Days, which is.. now?)
Kehaulani516: lol
Kdiddy7415: oh i read up  on ur ways
Kehaulani516: how is it like that?
Kehaulani516: I'm sure you get it from great sources, too
Kdiddy7415: oh yeah ur text u read is pagan too (*note: how the hell is it pagan? someone, please tell me. but first, read it, don't just read anti-mormon literature and assume it's correct. cuz it never is)
Kehaulani516: ever asked a real mormon?
Kehaulani516: pagan, eh?
Kehaulani516: how is that?
Kdiddy7415: watchtower is the tower which holds satans lair (haha my favourite=*note: Watchtower= Jehova's Witnesses magazine thing. JW ≠ LDS)
Kehaulani516: that would be Jehova's Witnesses, dear
Kehaulani516: next issue please?
Kdiddy7415: its all the same (yeah, and buddhism is the same as Prebyterian.. ?)
Kehaulani516: actually it
Kehaulani516: s not
Kdiddy7415: all of you are the same
Kehaulani516: how is that?
Kdiddy7415: worshipers of lust and avarice (interesting, worshippers of lust, when we don't believe in premarital sex, nor pornography, etc)
Kdiddy7415: you will meet your destiny in hell
Kehaulani516: have you ever atteneded one of our meetings?
Kehaulani516: lol
Kehaulani516: your ignorance is astounding
Kdiddy7415: i used to be one before i knew the truth about u ppl (he's always claimed that he's mormon, yet when I ask him simple questions about basic mormon beliefs, he has no earthly idea what is going on. just keeps on claiming he's mormon when A) he wasn't baptized (because) B) he doesn't know what we believe nor will listen to the truth. He isn't, and is far from it..)
Kehaulani516: if you knew the truth we wouldn't be having this conversation
Kdiddy7415: even though i used the word people very loosely
Kehaulani516: what are we besides people?
Kdiddy7415: parasites
Kehaulani516: lol
Kdiddy7415: viruses which infect our good christian community
Kehaulani516: dear, we are Christian
Kehaulani516: you would know that if you could READ
Kdiddy7415: just the the bloodthirsty romans were christian along with the kkk (he puts romans and KKK in the category of christians, isn't that.. insulting to.. christians, like.... ahem, himself?--whether you consider the romans and kkk christians is up to you)
Kehaulani516: huh?
Kehaulani516: did you just insult yourself?
Kdiddy7415: no they claimed to be christians
Kdiddy7415: just like u and ur sinful organization you guys are running (sinful, when we preach to be the exact opposite of sinful..)
Kehaulani516: claimed....hmm....
Kehaulani516: interesting word choice
Kehaulani516: are you not claiming to be christian yourself?
Kdiddy7415: your really sick you know that
Kdiddy7415: you should be seperated from normal people
Kehaulani516: how is that?
Kehaulani516: you keep telling me that, yet you never explain why
Kehaulani516: we are, thank heavens
Kehaulani516: i would hate to be like you
Kdiddy7415: like me, a good and just person?
Kdiddy7415: you should be ashamed of yourself
Kehaulani516: we have no issues with people like you, and yet here you are insulting me for believing in something so simple people like you overlook it
Kehaulani516: a good and just person?
Kehaulani516: have you been reading what you're writing?
Kdiddy7415: its ppl like you who spread stds and drugs (except, um, we don't do drugs, alcohol, tea, coffee, caffeinated things, and like I said before, we don't believe in premarital sex and crap)
Kehaulani516: what GOOD and JUST person would come online and insult people?
Kehaulani516: how do we do that?
Kdiddy7415: what good person trys to spread the sinful ways by coming to ppls doors and trying to change the
Kdiddy7415: m
Kehaulani516: if you knew anything...you would know that we don't do drugs
Kdiddy7415: suure
Kdiddy7415: just like u dont marry multiple husbands and wives
Kehaulani516: we don't
Kehaulani516: duh
Kdiddy7415: i read up i know what you ppl practice
Kehaulani516: what do we practice?
Kdiddy7415: sinful acts of lust (need I repeat myself again?)
Kehaulani516: lol
Kehaulani516: you crack me up
Kehaulani516: thanks...it's fun to laugh
Kdiddy7415: and sacrifice of goats  (now this one takes the cake)
Kehaulani516: they taste good, you know (the before and following are sarcasm-in case you couldn't tell)
Kehaulani516: expecially roasted over sacrificial alter
Kehaulani516: adds something...extra
Kdiddy7415: ewww sick
Kdiddy7415: u will burn in hell
Kehaulani516: i'll race ya
Kdiddy7415: no thank you
Kehaulani516: oh, why not?
Kehaulani516: you chicken?
Kdiddy7415: i havent sold my soulto the devil
Kdiddy7415: my soul is in tact and one with the lord
Kehaulani516: that makes two of us
Kehaulani516: for some reason that makes me laugh
Kehaulani516: i wonder why that is
Kdiddy7415: because you know ur lying
Kdiddy7415: u know u love the devil
Kehaulani516: i'm lying about what?
Kehaulani516: i love the devil....interesting
Kdiddy7415: being one with the lord
Kehaulani516: i'm not the one who said i was one with the lord
Kehaulani516: did youjust have a freudian slip, there friend?
Kdiddy7415: its a known fact that all redheads worship satan (HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA)
Kdiddy7415: because satan is red too (BAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA)
Kehaulani516: lol
Kehaulani516: hello, Hitler
Kehaulani516: have you completely lost your screws?
Kehaulani516: redheads worship satan because they GENETICALLY inherited the gene?
Kehaulani516: i think you lost a few synapses during pruning
Kdiddy7415: so u admittin that ur a child of satan
Kehaulani516: as much as you're admitting you love redheads
Kdiddy7415: slut
Kdiddy7415: whorebag
Kehaulani516: corner hussler
Kehaulani516: come on
Kehaulani516: dring it on
Kehaulani516: *bring
Kehaulani516: that all you got?
Kdiddy7415 signed off at 12:49:18 AM.

And then he tries another screen name...:

whoistommywalker: hey
whoistommywalker: is this lisa?
whoistommywalker: is ur sn hawain
whoistommywalker: or mormon?! (I never knew a language could be labeled mormon.. interesting.)
Kehaulani516: who is this?
whoistommywalker: who is this?
Kehaulani516: who is this?
whoistommywalker: tommy
Kehaulani516: that clarifies things, thanks
whoistommywalker: who still haven't answered me?
whoistommywalker: er
whoistommywalker: !
whoistommywalker: r u hot?
Kehaulani516: definitely
whoistommywalker: pic?
Kehaulani516: criminal record?
whoistommywalker: not at all
whoistommywalker: except for kidnapping and raping girls i meet on the internet
whoistommywalker: so how bout htat pic
Kehaulani516: how about a pair of handcuffs?
whoistommywalker: hmm
Kehaulani516: not in the kinky, perverse sense
whoistommywalker: i don't understand
Kehaulani516: i'm so glad
whoistommywalker: why r u so mean?
Kehaulani516: it's genetic
whoistommywalker: u mean mormon?
Kehaulani516: explain that
whoistommywalker: i dunno
Kehaulani516: then get a clue and come back when you have something
whoistommywalker: the things that i've heard about mormon's have been none too flatteirng
Kehaulani516: you're not all too flattering yourself
whoistommywalker: how so
Kehaulani516: can you be so dense?
whoistommywalker: because i don't know u and im u about mormons and hawaii
Kehaulani516: what would you like to know?
whoistommywalker: thats perfeclty gentleman (don't even get me started on this "gentleman" thing)
whoistommywalker: i dunno tell me everything
Kehaulani516: why do you want to know?
whoistommywalker: i dunno
whoistommywalker: it's kind of interesting
Kehaulani516: where did you learn i was mormon?
whoistommywalker: dude everybody knows ur mormon
Kehaulani516: define everybody
Kehaulani516: you dont even know who i am
whoistommywalker: yeah i do (Exhibit A: "whoistommywalker: because i don't know u and im u about mormons and hawaii")
whoistommywalker: ur lisa
Kehaulani516: lisa....?
whoistommywalker: the mormon
Kehaulani516: lol
Kehaulani516: close
whoistommywalker: hmmm
Kehaulani516: ....
whoistommywalker: uh
Kehaulani516: what do you want to use the information for?
whoistommywalker: damurmon (still not sure what this is...?)
whoistommywalker: i don't want to use it i just wanna know
Kehaulani516: i can hook you up with some missionaries
whoistommywalker: :-\
whoistommywalker: uh
Kehaulani516: what do you want to know?
whoistommywalker: maybe some other time
whoistommywalker: just tell me about hte life of a mormon
whoistommywalker: how do u feel knowing ur going to be one of seven wives (ah, the plural marriage crap again... yay..)
whoistommywalker: is it just going to be one big orgy all the time
Kehaulani516: see....
Kehaulani516: people like you spread the lies you've heard and give us a bad name
Kehaulani516: why do you do that?
whoistommywalker: its not like i run around telling people about mormons
Kehaulani516: does it give you some sense of satisfaction?
whoistommywalker: but is that not true?
Kehaulani516: no, it's not
whoistommywalker: well then pretell
Kehaulani516: tell me what lies you've heard, and I'll correct them
whoistommywalker: i dunno i don't really feel like it anymore
whoistommywalker: how old r u?
Kehaulani516: oh, did i take the fun out of harrassing me?
whoistommywalker: no i just don't feel like typing all the "lies"
Kehaulani516: yeah, well, if people would actually read the mormon literature there wouldn't be that many lies
whoistommywalker: dude, to be perfectly honest
Kehaulani516: but since everyone wants to jump the gun and spread lies instead of read...
whoistommywalker: mormon's aren't exactly known for their literature (this is the best one yet: LDS, hmm got their nickname 'Mormons' because of the Book Of Mormon, and it's the biggest thing that separates us from everyone else..)
Kehaulani516: the book of mormon?
Kehaulani516: hello?
whoistommywalker: yeah
whoistommywalker: nobody knows about that (except for about, oh, I dunno like way over ⅛th of the world)
Kehaulani516: what more do you want/?
whoistommywalker: i didn't even know until u just said it
whoistommywalker: apparently its a book about mormons (...buuuttttt it's not. It's another testament of JesusChrist and his life on the earth and his teachings, etc.)
Kehaulani516: if they know about mormons, they know about the book of mromon
Kehaulani516: natural connection, you know?
whoistommywalker: not really
Kehaulani516: apparently it's not
whoistommywalker: it's not at all
whoistommywalker: nobody knows the book of mormons (edit: book of mormon (-s))
Kehaulani516: you know, back in the 1800's southern baptist gave us the name Mormon
Kehaulani516: it's actually a slant
whoistommywalker: well i'm catholic (how random?)
Kehaulani516: well good for you
Kehaulani516: lol
whoistommywalker: so i don't know too much about mormons
whoistommywalker: or baptists
Kehaulani516: do you go to Kell?
whoistommywalker: hell naw
whoistommywalker: kmhs
Kehaulani516: oh
whoistommywalker signed off at 12:50:21 AM.
ever. My IQ dropped 30 points just talking to this freak.

woohoo for retards

well. I wonder when I work this week.. hmmmmmm..
I'm bored--call me, let's get together and do something!!
later lovies

and everyone pray for Vicki (I love you Vicki!!!!!)
and the millions of people in S. Asia who have been hurt/killed whatever from the 9.0 earthquake and the tsunamis which have wiped out everything and anything.
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