why me?

Dec 07, 2004 17:58

I'm alive, I really am
This weekend was awesome (until Sunday--but I'll get to that later)
So Friday was funfun good day
that night, I went to (lindsay)Vincoli's(one of my youth leaders) house for a sleep over with the other girls at church my age
it was sooooo fun
I hadn't been to a sleepover in foreveverever
(katie)Mercer and (lori)Borg (my other youth leaders) came by but they couldn't stay the night
they're sooo funny
I love them
at 2 am we decided to go to Steak N Shake
I'd never been there before so they were hellbent on me going
it was good and very fun. I recommend the Turkey Club (personally, without the tomato)
on the way back to Vincoli's house, we notice this car ahead of us that's swerving really badly, hitting curbs, running red lights. At one redlight, she stops, but once it's green, she doesn't move, so we honk, and she starts driving... into on-coming traffic, with a median in the middle. we're like, omg omg she's gonna get in a head-on collision and kill someone, herself, whatever. Luckily, she eventually realizes, Oh shit, I'm driving on the wrong side of the road, maybe I should pull over into this parking lot. So we dial 911, give them the location of where the lady is, her license plate number, etc. the cops say there's someone nearby to check it out, so we keep on driving. but about 20 seconds of driving back to the house, Vincoli does a U-turn and she's like, I'm sorry but I have a feeling we have to go back there. Then everyone in the car: Me, Katie P., Linday B, Sarah, start saying we had the same feeling. So we're all hyped, and on the look-out for this lady. We go to the parking lot she pulled into, but we can't find her. But as we're about to turn out, we see 2 cars in the turn lane thing, the first car in the middle of the street(vulnerable to being sideswiped), and we recognize the first one as the drunk lady, and the one behind her, some dark grey car, trying to pull around her(I'm guessing thinking her car is stalled). We're like, omigosh! that's her that's her!! and then Lindsay V. notices that the lady is slumped over in her seat. So we get out of the car and run up to the lady, and once we get out of the car, the grey car in front of us turns into an undercover police car (imagine that). lindsay b and sarah open the car door, try to wake the lady up (she's passedout), reach across and turn off the ignition so she wont go kereening off when she wakes up. the whole car smells like alcohol. then the policeman comes up and he's like, 'Excuse me, let me through.'  We're like, yeah ok, so you're the hero, when you're the one trying to drive around her. If it wasn't for us, he wouldn't've stopped, and the lady would have been hit by oncoming traffic, or wake-up and drive off and kill someone. So yeah, as we were driving back to the house, again, we pass like 4 police cars coming from various directions, heading toward the "scene". Twas an interesting night.
Then, Saturday, my dad, my mom and I, cooked food for our ward's Christmas Dinner. I love doing that. We fed like 200-300 people I think.
I had a cough, but I figured it was just a cough and would go away
but no, on Sunday, at church, I thought Iwas going to die
so I had my mom take me home
I was horribly sick
later that night, I started throwing up
I was so sick and holy crap it was terrible
my mom took my temperature
it was over 103ºF and rising
holy cow I don't even want to think about it
in the middle of the night, I think my fever peaked at like 104-105ºF
my mom thought I had the flu
I stayed home monday, and today
but when my outrageous coughing crap didn't go away
we went to the doctor
he's like, Oh no, that's not flu.
he had me try all these breathing treatments
which took forever, and neither worked
they just made me really really shaky, weak, and drowsy.
so he decided he thinks I have Walking Pneumonia and/or Whooping cough
with possibly another infection of some sort
so he's got me on heavy drugs
narcotics, the works
tastes horrible
and there is an ambulance/firetruck blaring its sirens through my neighborhood. uh oh
so I am completely behind and I have 1 week left of school, then finals
and I have walking pneumonia which lasts for like 6 weeks or more
and I'm supposed to sing on thursday for my chorus concert
when I can't even talk
this blows, SO much
who wants to blow off my head?
someone gave me this evil disease 2-3 weeks ago (takes that long)
curses to you
oh my gosh I'm about to fall over and die
so... later people
and maybe see you tomorrow
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