Good neighbour... not.

Sep 14, 2011 23:27

We finally placed the mosquito nests in the two windows my cat Mikan usually runs away through.

I was happy while placing it, till a crazy woman came to complain... She says she doesn't want the nest there because she uses that window to pick up pieces of cloth when they fall from her second floor. I told her she can still pick them up through the window of her neighbour, that I needed the nest to prevent Mikan from going away and never come back like Mushi did, and she was still really angry saying she wanted to pick up her damn pieces of cloth.

The other neighbours told me she is crazy and problematic... So most probably she will take the nest from the window some night when nobody is looking.

To summarize: there's nothing I can do to keep my cat safe. I'm such a lucky girl lately.
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