Yay, then I hope people don't find it weird when someday I draw Tonks x Luna ;;;;;;;;;;; *Just likes them together because she likes both characters (=w=;*
Ginny turned out really young, I guess she's from the time she first met Harry.
Snape/Hagrid?! Is it a common pairing? Seriously? Do they exchange some words in Order of the Phoenix or something? o.o *Feels better to know it's not THAT weird though*
And don't worry, HP fandom is full of INSANE pairings and has written and drawn just about anything. Ginny/Luna is fairly common and vainilla XD;
Ginny turned out really young, I guess she's from the time she first met Harry.
I really like how you draw her X3 And I love the HxL pics, too, 'cause they look adorable together and I like it when you draw Harry ♥
*Is happy you do!* ♥
HP fandom is too damned huge, you can have what would be an utterly crack, non-existant pairing in another fandom having a huge fanbase.
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