(no subject)

Apr 14, 2006 22:09

So I went tanning today. I'm really suprised that my mom doesn't object to it. But she loves the place that I tan at && the manager told me that since I hhave to watch my money I can make small payments each time I come in. So of course my mom fell in love with her. lol. But I'm serisouly in love with this place. It's big and you can pretty much do everything there. I'm either gonna get a butterfly sticker or cherries. lol. I'm really excited if you couldn't tell! =P

So I guess me and doug are good again? He called me @ like 2 am and asked me about the voicemail i left && just started talking away like we used to. Kinda sorta weird. lol.

I cannot wait until summer.

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