Just keep (fake) smiling!

Feb 17, 2003 12:25

Wow, December 7th, it's been a while....

Anyway, I'm not "back" or anything, just bored. So, how's everyone doing? My life's been pretty simple lately, between work, school, girlfriend, and lounging around not realy doing anything for lack of energy and/or interest. So, I guess my life currently "is", thus there's little for me to complain about.


....For winter to be over (though we all know that it hardly even started. Just the same, I can't wait for flowers and green again, even though I'm sure it will be overshadowed by the grays of smoke and oranges of flames as our entire state catches fire, but oh well).

....For my hours at work to pick up so I can maybe aford to do something for a change. 20 hours a week's not cutting it.

....To go on a vacation. I think my brother, dad, and myself are to go to Cali for spring break, but I would also like to go somewhere else this summer, preferably a road trip sort of a thing. I told a friend of mine in North Carolina that I'd go visit her (if I have the money), and my friend Eric and I were talking about a possible outting as well. Again, it all depends on money.

....For "orange" alert to go red. It'll happen, trust me. Who knows, it might be interesting.

....For the depression to leave me....

But, what're you gonna do, right? Whatever, this isn't the first time, nor shall it be the last. I have noticed that I'm a hell of a lot angrier than I should normally be. Like people, they just never cease to piss me off. And work. I like the gardens, but you would not believe the crazy politics and bullshit that goes on here. If something doesn't change soon, I don't think we'll have a botanic gardens anymore.

And I'm tired all of the time.

Bitch and moan, yeah, I know, well fuck you too. I'm fine, I know, and I'll get through and deal with anything problem that comes my way, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.

And Kristi, Bec, I'm sorry I haven't called you yet. Peter did relay the message, I've just been, well, lazy more than busy, but I would like to go do something sometime soon. Let me know what would work for you and I'll see what my schedule looks like (as it changes from week to week).

Fuck, jesus christ, asshole, piece of shit, bitch, goddam it! I fucking HATE hiccups! Shit! This is the third time today that I've had them. What the fuck?!

Anyway, I don't know what else to write, so have a good day, and don't expect me to write in here anytime soon.

Have a good one!
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