(Final Fantasy) Shards (3/?)

Apr 28, 2011 20:20

 Title: Shards
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Parring: Cloud Strife, future slash
Timeline: Post Advent Children
Warnings: Follows the basic timeline, but takes liberties with Crisis Core
Summary: There are some memories lost to Cloud, but hopefully the shards could be recovered. Hopefully the pieces could be put back in place by a gentle, patient hand.
Disclaimer: Square Enix
Author Says: And here we are with another chapter. I kind of just ran with this one, didn't expect it to be as long as it turned out, not that I'm complaining.

“Hey, you alright?”

The early morning rays had just begun to peak over the horizon, just barely breaking through the gray haze of pre-dawn. Cloud sat up abruptly, chest heaving and mind spinning. He rested his forehead on his knees as he waited for his pulse to slow. Zack’s face was still burned against his retinas. His smile, his laugh, and his voice all fresh in memory broken though it was.

It had been a while since Cloud had last dreamed of that particular past, not since he finally laid his guilt to rest and moved on. But that man. He had managed to dredge the past back up and with it the nightmares and uncertainty. Nightmares were nothing new to Cloud, not after all he’s seen and done, but those of the past always felt so much worse. Particularly because he still wasn’t sure what all he could trust to be true or a fragmented version of events courtesy of his twisted memories. He pressed the heels of his palms against his eyes and willed the images to fade back into the recesses of his mind.

Why? Why now?

It was early even for him, but sleep would not come now. Cloud stood and walked over to the small pool of water and sat at the edge. Only a few years had gone by since he had defeated Sephiroth and, by extension, Kadaj. However, as he looked into the crystal water, he saw the same man he did then. Mayhap a little restless from lack of activity and weary from the weight he carried, but he still looked to be in his prime. His eyes were unnaturally bright even in the distorted reflection, especially in such dank lighting. He closed his eyes as another’s face replaced his in the water.

His ghosts would never let him rest, would they?

Seeing as he wouldn’t be going back to sleep and staring at the water for endless hours really wasn’t good for his sanity, Cloud set to work on repairing the church. He could curse the stranger out in his head, but he needed something to occupy his hands while he did so. Perhaps, someday, it would resemble what it once did. At the very least it needed a roof.

The sun cut across the horizon and high into the air, giving his work better lighting. He took a break somewhere in-between to munch on some fruit Tifa had packed him, but otherwise kept himself busy. He was perched carefully on top of what remained of the roof, very little, when he heard one of the doors slowly creak open. He paused, mid-swing, and looked down. He scowled. It was the same man from the day before. Cloud knew he was being ridiculous, if not a little childish, because it really wasn’t the man’s fault that he’d caused such a reaction in Cloud.

Cloud sighed and went back to what he was doing. The man could make peace with whatever deity he believed in so long as he minded his own business. Cloud did try to make less noise, out of pure courtesy.

For a while he was able to forget the man was even there, but eventually Cloud sensed he was being watched. Of course each time he’d look down, the man was staring forward with his chin propped on clasped hands. Oddly it didn’t spark annoyance in him as it would have if, say, Yuffie or Cid were doing it. He caught himself occasionally looking out of the corner of his eye, trying to catch the man in the act. He wasn’t able to, unfortunately. Though it was silly he was even trying.

The hours bled into one another and Cloud eventually came down. The drop wasn’t much to a mako enhanced being like himself, though the landing still stung the soles of his feet. He put the tools away in his bag, surprised to find the man still sitting in the bleachers. His eyes were closed and hands clasped in prayer.

Before he even realized what he was doing, Cloud moved a little closer. The man was no longer young, but only a few wrinkles were around his eyes and mouth. His jet black hair and whiskers on his chin had no traces of gray or silver either. He still wore the tattered trench coat, but underneath Cloud could see the familiar blue turtleneck usually associated with the higher SOLDIER ranks. He went to turn around, old flashes suddenly re-surfaced, but a pair of blue eyes caught his own.

“Sorry,” Cloud murmured, knowing he was the one at fault for staring so blatantly.

“I think we’ve both committed some social blunders.” He had a deep baritone that Cloud briefly imagined falling asleep to. “I’m sorry if I’m trespassing.”

“You aren’t. The church is open to anyone.” Thinking the conversation over, Cloud turned away.

“Are you Cloud?”

His body tensed in preparation for a fight and he found himself wishing he had one of Tsurugi’s blades strapped to his back. His tone was tight, guarded, “Yes. Who wants to know?” If it was Rufus again, Cloud had a mind to tell this man exactly where the request could be shoved. He was not one of Shinra’s dogs. He had plenty of men who would willingly answer his call; Cloud had no mind to be one of them.

The man put his hands up in a show of peace, but his next words seemed carefully chosen, “I was told a man named Cloud frequented this church.”

Cloud looked over his shoulder, brows drawn tight and mouth set in a thin line. “Who are you?” Again the man considered his words, which made Cloud’s suspicion rise. “Who sent you?” He demanded then, a little impatiently.

“No one sent me.” Cloud studied him for a moment. The question had caught the man off guard and not in an ‘I’m discovered’ sort of way. He was, at the very least, telling the truth. Cloud knew he had overreacted.

“I’m sorry.” He apologized sincerely.

“No, I should know better than to throw names around so loosely. It’s a trying time.” Cloud nodded his agreement. They didn’t speak again after that and when Cloud had left on Fenrir to clear his mind, the man was gone upon his return.

series: final fantasy: advent children, pairing: angeal hewley/cloud strife, shards

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