Another random entry

Jul 31, 2008 01:15

So... you wouldn't believe the conversation I had with Gaji earlier. I dunno how we got on the topic, but he said something about how if he did something romantic it wouldn't be obvious.

It's no big, really. I accepted a long time ago that if I wanted a fairy tale romance I was doomed to a life of disappointment. I didn't go into this expecting roses and diamonds. I really don't need flowers and the typical trappings of a romance novel to feel loved. To be honest, every time we talk I know he loves me. True romance doesn't have to be obvious and out there for the world to see. True love is quiet, it's small things that prove to the one you love that you care. I'm a sap, yes, but I'm an honest sap.

So... last weekend I met his dad. It was nice- I was so nervous about it, but it wasn't as bad as I had expected. Matter of fact, it was just fine. Gaji finally met my uncle, and that went fine. I think Gaji's still kinda hurt that my grandma called him by my ex's name, but we all explained it to him: Grandma isn't so hot with names. Hell, she calls me by my mother's name all the time, and the only reason she really remembers my ex's name is because I dated the boy for three years, and it'll be three months for us in August. Things like that happen. Saturday night, I was going to make a lasagna- I don't cook often and we had one of those Chef Boyardee things for one in the pantry. Problem? The thing was ancient, and I didn't realize it.  So I started to make this thing,  only to find the cheese sauce was dried out. So I remembered that I had some mozerella in the fridge, and I went to get that. Apparently I need to clean my refrigerator out more often, because that was spotted with mold. Gross, yes, but you can cut out the mold or go around it if you have shredded cheese, but! -_-;;;; He's got a penicillin allergy, and I wasn't taking chances. Damn that irked me. So this weekend, what I'm doing is going to the store, buying something he'll like, and I'll cook that. ^_^; I really don't cook much, as said before, so I don't cook well, but I really wanna try! If it's him, maybe that's the incentive I need to cook more often, and to get better at it.

All right, now returning from my vacation in anime land...

Meh, I'm so tired. But I can't sleep.

The topic this week was "what would you want put on your tombstone?". So here's what I want as my epitaph: Live, Laugh, Love. It's the best advice in the world, honestly. Don't let things get you down too much, just smile and live on, and love deeply. ^_^;;; Of course, I'm the weirdo who doesn't want people to wear black to my funeral. I want people to wear bright colors; I'm dead, I'm the one who has a reason to be sad! XD

Well, I'm going to read a bit before I head to sleep. Good night all!
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