"Fuck shoes!"

Oct 17, 2005 20:54

I just downloaded this whole comedian skit thingy of Dane Cook. Oh man, this guy makes me wanna piss my pants with laughter. He's fucking hilarious.

Okaaay, so here's my great weeekend;

Friday: Went to the football game with Lis. I had a blast. We were with Stephanie, Josh and Vince. Okay, okay, I know I'll get yelled at for that but shush. Don't worry. It was awesome though. We won and everything. We're undefeated 7-0. Better than the last two years. The funny thing is I don't even understand one thing about football. It's still fun to go!

Saturday: Lis slept over! We had fun. We just hung around, ate at Wendy's and Dairy Queen, and stayed up until 1:30 in the morning doing puzzles and talking to Matt on the phone.

Other than that, everything was all cool. I took 42754257435 pictures with my webcam. Look!

Can somebody say serious camera whore issues?

And yeah I made my icon again. Sexy, right? Fruit by the Foot is the best. And then Stephanie took some pictures from the game too but I haven't gotten those yet. And I know there are some other things I wanna say but I'm too amused by Dane Cook. Oh god, you should really listen to this guy. Oh yeaah, I should my parents the music video I did in TV Productions. They liked it. And I still don't know what the fuck I'm doing for my birthday. If anything, I'll just have my mom pick me up during her lunch break and take me to Trilogy for the afternoon and then Matt can take me home. I was so bored in 4th hour today that I did this whole brainstorming list about what I could possibly do for Friday. The only thing I'm certain on is that I'm baking myself a cake =)

Oh my gosh, the weather today was simply beautiful. It wasn't hot or humid like it always is down here. It was cooler than any other day we've had recently. Everyone's saying that it's finally getting colder. YES! :D

I ♥ my third hour. It's me, Kris, Matt S and Patty. Oh man and Kris is a trip. He gives off the impression that he's a pothead, but he really isn't. He makes me laugh. And he loves me because I bring him food haha. I'm just so nice. And we have to do a project soon and we're all gonna go over each other's houses and stuff. We'll never get anything done cuz we always mess around.

And yeaaaaah, I think that's about it. Byeeeee my losers!

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