Oct 09, 2005 14:07
OMG I have just eaten a crapload of Chinese food for breakfast. I loved it. I had chicken fried rice an sweet&sour chicken. Oh my god, delicious stuff man. And I'm gonna go eat a fortune cookie after this. YES! I feel so fat now. I hope I gain like 5 extra pounds off of this shit. I hate weighing so little. I wanna be FAT again x)
I went to Lisseth's house yesterday. I had a good time. We hung out with Gio for a bit and then we just hung around in here house, listening to music, reading old notes and me giving her a massage with my feet haha. Then we walked around the neighborhood, trying to see who was home. Jose was in South Beach, Justin was up in Ocala, and Matt was at work. We went to the first phase and saw Nicole and little Justin there so we hung around with them. We saw Matt for like 2 minutes because he was on break but he left soon afterwards. Nicole has done a good job of getting me excited for my birthday. And I didn't think it'd be possible! I've decided to spend my birthday in Trilogy. My mom said it was okay as long as I'd get to spend dinner with the family afterwards. I also wanna go ice skating but that'll be a bit more complicated to plan because the rates are cheaper in the mornings but both my parents are working then so I won't be able to get a ride. I'll figure something out. Nicole already knows what she's getting me! She told Matt and even he agreed that I'd like it. I wanna knooooow! :D It eventually got darker so we all walked back to Lis's house and just talked in her driveway. Then Chris drove by on his ATV and Lisseth and I took turns riding with him. Oh man, that thing is fun. And he goes so fast on it too! Now I know why he's always getting the cops called on him for it.
And for once, I actually got to stay later then usual--7:00pm. Isn't that awesome? Any other day, I'd have to be home by 5 because of my dad but since he's away this weekend, I got to stay longeeeeer. Yay! :D Maybe my dad should go away more often?
Lisseth's sleeping over my house next weekend. I can't wait! And she'll probably go to the Portuguese club with us too so that'll be something fun for us. Yay x2!
I saw the ending of Phantom of the Opera last night with my mom. We stayed up until 2 in the morning (wow, we do so many things when my dad's out of the house). I liked it. The music's nice =)
Well, I gotta let ya go now. I still have homework to do for American History.