"It is good to dream as long as the night is long enough for you to dream it all"

Jul 10, 2004 02:33

"It is good to dream as long as the night is long enough for you to dream it all" this is a quote from somewhere online. It makes perfect sense to me. Dreams are only worth if you have enough time to dream them otherwise they are useless wishes. I have a dream too. I dream that one cool summer night I'm going to be awakened by a small cry. The cry of a beautiful healthy baby. This baby would be mine calling out to me. When I get up to tend to the baby my husband will get up to help me out. And I'd tell him to go back to bed to get ready for work tomorrow and he would kiss my neck and lay back to sleep while my soothed child breathes softly against my arms. This might seem like some corny scene in a movie but its a dream of mine. It is all I ask of my future.

But of course like every sesible girl of the 20th century I have a back up plan. If I can't find a husband to have my own child I want to adopt children. I'm a very motherly type person even if not many people ever see that side of me. I hope to make a difference in another life if just for five minutes it would make it all worth it.

Right now I'm getting ready to transition to a change in my life. A very special person is going to leave me. I don't know if he's going to come back. Nor do I know if we'll still be coo. What I do know is things will change very quickly and dramatically from what we have now to what we'll have to have because of his move.

I care about him alot and I hope he knows that already. If not I plan to tell him the next time I see him. Whatever time we have left to see each other and hold each other is limited so I'm going to make the best of it. And the next time I see him and we talk I'm not going to look around at everything. I'll look in his eyes and memorize everything that I see. So then later on if I ever need to I could go back and look at his face in my mind and see it clearly. I pray for his happiness and safety.

Other then his move other aspects of my life are going pretty good I have a job that I like and its paying okay. An my parents are having their 10th year anniversary this weekend. I pray for my family and everyone else too. I hope everyone stays safe. So until another day dream as many dreams as the night would allow because you never know if it'll be your last nights sleep........
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