Stolen from BloodLustWaltz

Nov 30, 2004 13:57

15 Years Ago, I: (was 8)
1. was in second grade
2. was picked on and called carrot top
3. was always moving, and always the "new girl"
4. couldn't tell time on an analog clock
5. i dont rememebr most of my childhood..

10 Years Ago, I: (was 13)
1. started junior high (7th grade)
2. was a wigger for a short period of time
3. wore purple jeans and cross colours
4. was a virgin
5. met my best friend Michelle Paradis

5 Years Ago, I: (was 18)
1. gave birth to the love of my life, Jaylene Love McNamara
2. went to AT LEAST 2 HC shows a week.
3. weighed about 123/124 pounds
4. fell in love for the first time in my life. (RHYS)
5. met my OTHER best friend, Tiffany Gordon

3 Years Ago, I: (was 20)
1. lost my boyfriend/job/home all in a week.
2. was fired from the best job I could have ever had.
3. smashed my new car drunk driving
4. was heartbroken and a drunk and pathetic
5. drank heinekens every single night alone
6. almost had a second baby.

2 Years Ago, I: (was 21)
1. fell in love for the second time of my life
2. was still a drunk
3. couldnt hold down a job
4. moved to Pine St in manchester NH with Jaybird.
5. thought I was going to marry this boy, once i straightened up.
6. gained like 50 pounds. maybe 55.

1 Year Ago, I: (was 22)
1. was X-mas tree shopping
2. was STILL a HORRIBLE drunk
3. still couldnt keep a job, i hated them all
4. lived on the corner of Pine and Myrtle
5. but even as bad as it all was, I still was with the two people i loved the most. i took that for granted.
6. met Ashley. the girl who told.

6 Months Ago, I:
1. got the shit kicked out of me
2. was heartbroken once again
3. turned 23
4. was drinking excessivley, to the point that i was half dead at all times.
5. cut the shit, moved out of the Manchester Street apartment, got a decent job, moved in with Marie.
6. lost the 2 most important people to me.

1 Month Ago, I:
1. had only lived in Boston for a month
2. was dating a psycho that stalked me
3. had some really good times and really good friends
4. lost some weight
5. started drinking again, after like 4 months clean

1 Week Ago, I:
1. ruined my life here in boston
2. went to NYC
3. got really REALLY drunk
4. thought I was going to move out west right now
5. got a flat tire, and changed it myself.

Yesterday, I:
1. used the dumb computer
2. picked up tiff from work.
3. got lost downtown, and ended up in Chinatown. per the usual
4. ate ramen and spanish rice
5. took a shower

Today, I:
1. got poked in the ass
2. dropped tiff off at work
3. am going to pick tiff up from work
4. drank coffee and took anti psychotics
5. feel wierd

Tomorrow, I:
1. will drive to Lynn
2. will not see Tiff
3. start training as an assistant
4. will still feel shitty about myself
5. will miss Alex

My Top 3 Bad Habits:
1. not showering enough
2. drinking WAY too much
3. being gay

My Top 3 Biggest Worries at the Moment:
1. rent
2. failure
3. not finding happiness

My Top 3 Biggest Joys at the Moment:
1. Jaylene
2. Alex's emails
3. T&T getting back together

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