GOOD morning WORM your HONORjames_dean_bbyApril 2 2005, 03:13:34 UTC
AM I.. // am i cute?yah // am i crazy? hmmm well hmmm like maybe as crazy as a sane person or hmm... // am i funny?yah // am i annoying? of corse not // am i psycho?maybe // am i daring?do you swim offten? thats pretty daring // am i a good person? yesh
WOULD YOU.. // would you hug me?if you hugged bak // would you miss me if i was gone?well im usually the one thats gone but yah i would // would you kiss me?i dunno maybe // would you make out with me? well i think that your uncle would eat me so no // would you listen to my problems?if you told them to me // would you be a good friend?well thats interesting i think i would be // would you be my best friend?=) if you wanted me
WOULD YOU EVER.. // would you ever go out with me? i dont think so // would you ever do it again if you already have?well i havent so no // would you ever marry me if you could?what would your uncle say about that
// would you ever talk bad about me if we ever broke up?no
// would you ever make out with me in a resturant?no // would you ever make out with me in the rain?thats reserved for laura sorry // would you ever snuggle with me?thats a cute word i think it means anal i dont no maybe it means shit cuddle.. if it is something good i would do it though
IF YOU COULD.. // if you could give me a new name, it would be?probably Gialicuose // if you could do one thing with me, it would be?fly to the moon // if you could give me a piece of advice, it would be?don't 4get that life cant tear at the seems // if you could kidnap me for a day, where would we go?well we would go to the moon then we'd come back and i'd go to jail...
JUST A FEW QUESTIONS.. // what do you love about me?whats not to love? // what do you hate about me?probably getting me thrown in jail for kidnapping... // what is my best quality?ur personality its pretty damn groovy // if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?i like you as you // what is your honest opinion about me?you are groovy // what would you do if i sang out of tune?sing with you that way everyone would blame me and not you // what song reminds you of me?im not sure i'll get back to you // do i remind you of any characters on tv?no // have you ever had a dream about me?yah it was pretttttttty crazy shit too // do you think i'm a virgin?Gia? a virgin?? // if you just met me, how old would you guess i am?14 // am i huggable?yah
// if you could give me anything, what would it be? i would give you my friendship and probably some weird thin like a leaf or a stick // if you could promise me anything, what would it be?that i will always love you
PERSONAL.. // if you could describe me in one word, what would that word be?groovy // when we first met, what were your thoughts?hmmmm // if you had to describe to someone who i am and what i am like, what would you tell them? that girl she is very groovy and she is a great friend // what are my faults? faults what faults? // what are my strengths?didnt you say you swam? // do you wish we were closer?yah // why aren't we closer?we kinda didnt tlk for a wile // if you could only tell me one thing and then never see me again, or at least for like 2 years, what would it be? You will always have a place in my heart never forget that
// am i cute?yah
// am i crazy? hmmm well hmmm like maybe as crazy as a sane person or hmm...
// am i funny?yah
// am i annoying? of corse not
// am i psycho?maybe
// am i daring?do you swim offten? thats pretty daring
// am i a good person? yesh
// would you hug me?if you hugged bak
// would you miss me if i was gone?well im usually the one thats gone but yah i would
// would you kiss me?i dunno maybe
// would you make out with me? well i think that your uncle would eat me so no
// would you listen to my problems?if you told them to me
// would you be a good friend?well thats interesting i think i would be
// would you be my best friend?=) if you wanted me
// would you ever go out with me? i dont think so
// would you ever do it again if you already have?well i havent so no
// would you ever marry me if you could?what would your uncle say about that
// would you ever talk bad about me if we ever broke up?no
// would you ever make out with me in a resturant?no
// would you ever make out with me in the rain?thats reserved for laura sorry
// would you ever snuggle with me?thats a cute word i think it means anal i dont no maybe it means shit cuddle.. if it is something good i would do it though
// if you could give me a new name, it would be?probably Gialicuose
// if you could do one thing with me, it would be?fly to the moon
// if you could give me a piece of advice, it would be?don't 4get that life cant tear at the seems
// if you could kidnap me for a day, where would we go?well we would go to the moon then we'd come back and i'd go to jail...
// what do you love about me?whats not to love?
// what do you hate about me?probably getting me thrown in jail for kidnapping...
// what is my best quality?ur personality its pretty damn groovy
// if you could change one thing about me, what would it be?i like you as you
// what is your honest opinion about me?you are groovy
// what would you do if i sang out of tune?sing with you that way everyone would blame me and not you
// what song reminds you of me?im not sure i'll get back to you
// do i remind you of any characters on tv?no
// have you ever had a dream about me?yah it was pretttttttty crazy shit too
// do you think i'm a virgin?Gia? a virgin??
// if you just met me, how old would you guess i am?14
// am i huggable?yah
// if you could give me anything, what would it be? i would give you my friendship and probably some weird thin like a leaf or a stick
// if you could promise me anything, what would it be?that i will always love you
// if you could describe me in one word, what would that word be?groovy
// when we first met, what were your thoughts?hmmmm
// if you had to describe to someone who i am and what i am like, what
would you tell them? that girl she is very groovy and she is a great friend
// what are my faults? faults what faults?
// what are my strengths?didnt you say you swam?
// do you wish we were closer?yah
// why aren't we closer?we kinda didnt tlk for a wile
// if you could only tell me one thing and then never see me again, or at least for like 2 years, what would it be? You will always have a place in my heart never forget that
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