
May 18, 2010 12:56

I've never done the "Ask Me Anything" meme, but why not?

I don't really have a post for today. The only other post I have planned is a big Corey update, but I have to work my way up to it.

So what are some things you'd like to know about me? Or ask me something completely random, like is your second toe longer than your big toe? (No, no it is not.) Or do you kiss on the first date? (Yes, and then some. It doesn't even have to be a date, date. It can be a lunch-date. Just ask TJ! Joking, slightly lol.) Or did you enjoy playing with barbies when you were younger? (Yes. I loved them. Skipper was always the whore. Yes, teenage skipper, the home-wrecking whore. Doesn't say much for Ken. Also, I wiki'd "Skipper Barbie" and found this tidbit: "Skipper has also had many same-size friends and a few boyfriends. Because of this, parents have questioned Skippers sexual orientation and past." WHAT!? Damn, Skipper gets it in!)

Okay, I'm done. haha. Go for it!

public, questions meme

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