Dec 03, 2005 12:33
Ah, finals.
Actually, they're not stressing me out that much. It's just throwing my scehdule a little out of whack right now. Of course, the fact that Paul decides to get us 10 day free trial subscriptions to WoW just as my finals start doesn't help, y'know?
Parent-teacher interviews were on Thursday, and we decided to send Paul by himself, as I have a tendency to get unhelpfully agressive (my words, as dh sat there searcing for a diplomatic way to say it) in such situations. He's slow talking and soft spoken and thorough, which is what we needed. I'm fast thinking, fast talking, and go for a bottom line quickly, so I'm the one we send in when we have to, say, negotiate bank rates. We've finally gotten to a comfortable place in our relationship where we can send one or the other of us out on solo missions like this, instead of going in as a duo and tangling up each other's style. Incidentally, we've found the same thing about building a fire. In the early days, some of our most nasty drag down fights came from trying to build a campfire together. Once we started taking turns instead, things went much more smoothly. Power struggle issues? Why do you ask?
At any rate, it went well. Sera's teacher is aware that she's getting bored, and is eager to find ways to keep her stimulated. I feel for the teacher- she's got a K-1 split class, and that large range of abilities doesn't seem to pair well with her teaching strengths. I can see her being excellent for a lot of kids, just not optimal for Sera. But she's very receptive to anything we want to try in terms of keeping Sera interested, so our first plan is to stock up Sera's cubby with science/math activity books (her request) and fiction for her to read and do during other centre times. We'll see how it goes.
On a related note, anyone read Tamora Pierce? Sera's into the Protector of the Small series, and I just started on the Song of the Lioness series. It's nice to see some girl-centric heroic fantasy.