Friday Five on Health
1. How's your health this week? I'm pretty good, so far. Just a slow healing patch of skin on my leg (thank you, diabetes)
2. What's the healthiest thing you've done recently? Some outside gardening helping a neighbour cut back a damaged ceanothis bush and cutting some some more nearer my flat
3. What do you look for in a doctor? Someone with experience and who actually listens to the patient
4. What was your most memorable childhood illness? i was sick a lot as a child but not due illness (bowel blockage), so the first one i remember would be chickenpox. Sister caught all the diseases first and i got them from her; twice as bad!
5. What's your most interesting scar and how did you get it? Gad, where do i start?! If i discount all the many surgical scars? i have one on each wrist running upwards, no idea how i got them. In surgery maybe? A couple of injury scars on legs but not that interesting, falling on stuff.
Second Friday Five on Manners
1. How closely do you think good manners are related to income and social status? Not at all. i've met rude rich and polite poor and vica versa. Depends purely on upbringing.
2. Can the idea of good manners inhibit people's natural sense of fun and inhibition? Such an odd question but i don't see a connection.
3. Do people have more manners now or in earlier times? It was taught more before i think and looking at today's youth, it has bypassed many of them! Which makes me think their parents don't have many.
4. Do you say "hi" to people even if they are strangers? Why? Why not? Sure, but i don't go out of my way to do so and i try to smile when i do. It can 'grease the wheels' a lot.
5. Do you listen to other's people conversations on the street? Not deliberately but sometimes you can't help it. Most are pretty boring!