Jul 22, 2011 11:42
you know, sometimes i don't even give a fuck that people are cock blocking jyj. What gets me seriously angry is that these programs are INVITING jyj, giving jyj and fans hope, and then canceling on them.
if you are going to use the crappy excuse of "jyj sm contract blah blah blah" (i ain't even mad anymore) then DON'T INVITE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. GOD FUCKIN DAMNIT. DON'T FUCKIN GIVE JYJ HOPE, DON'T FUCKIN GIVE THE FANS HOPE, JUST DON'T. how does that benefit you huh? if anything your actions reflects badly of the korean entertainment industry, but lol isn't it funny how thats what you're "trying to protect?" aren't you blocking jyj because they apparently hurt the hallyu wave? if anyone is hurting the hallyu wave it's you.
and the jeju island. omg. i can't even stand it.
you USED jyj. USED their fan power to get jeju to get elected for the 7th wonder, but then what happens? you fuckin cancel on them last second? fans BOUGHT plane ticks BOUGHT hotel tickets to see jyj and then last second you're changing that. so hows the fans going to feel? hows all the jyj fans going to feel about korea? about jeju island? isn't this event designed to promote people to travel to korea? but how does what you're doing gong to accomplish that? all i'm seeing are angry and disappointed fans? i've already read lots of news that reported that fans are going to boycott korean goods. good job kbs.
and as sm. why the fuck would you send over snsd and f(x)? do you WANT them to be hated? why drag these innocent girls into this mess? not to say you're already making a scene by interfering.
JYJ are AMBASSADORS for goodness sake. how are they going to be LESS EFFECTIVE in promoting when they're the reason why jeju even fuckin became the 7th wonder? how are you going to prove that snsd and f(x) are more effective when all the jyj fans VOTED AND WON? if jyj's appearance is going to interfere with the broadcast then don't fuckin use them to promote in the first place.
this is just low. beyond ugly, beyond disgusting.