
Nov 09, 2009 21:54

Hey hey hey!

Im one of those annoying lurkers in fanfiction, - someone who reads and read and reads and occasionally leaves long-ass reviews if the fic is that good, but is generally too scared/lazy to write and offer anything in return. (I have loadas half-completed one-shots and novellas lying around in My Documents though...)
Hence this lj here is just so I can get my greedy eyes on the heaps of treasure, aka fanfics, that lj is hoarding [selfish bastards, making me join] - because Ive already exhausted just about every other HP fanfic site out there. :)
I may or may not write a little of my own, if I a) ever have a worthy enough idea b) ever find the time or c) the inclination to force myself to write and update,
but I guess you can maybe watch this space..o_O...?

Known mostly as: FoolForYou / lovefool / loveisselfish.

Generally into: Romance fics, although Ive a fetish for Dark!Hermione/Dark!Harry fics. Well, generally ones where someone turns evil and kicks ass. Hard. >D Dark and twisted fics are also ecstasy.

Pairings: DM/HG obsessively, but generally anything that works, and is wonderfully pulled-off bar...

Ew on: RW/HG, HP/HG, AnyWeasley/HG (- its Draco, always Draco, (although exceptions are possible)), DM/GW (seriously people) and generally Ginny, Tonks also annoys me, and I have no idea why *shrugs*
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