Jun 30, 2008 23:46
SF Pride was fun. On the way up there just about midway, we made a pit stop at a burger king to get something to snack on. It just so happened that this particular burger king was infested with cockroaches (Trachel saw one cross the kitchen...) It was so disgusting, I can't believe a place so filthy manages to stay open and serve people.
Let me tell you, there are some freakishly huge bugs in mid cali area. The crickets were equivalent to the size of my thumb and I swear I saw one jump nearly 3 feet in the air. Have any of you seen the horror film Mist? Yeah, it was just like that =/
It's always nice seeing so much pride gather in one place... a little overwhelming even. I like how there was so much emphasis on the marriage initiative and same-sex parenting/families this year. We were keeping count of how many bare breasts we saw over the weekend and I think Michelle had a count of 21 or something towards the end. At least I didn't see any disgusting saggy breasts this year. I saw some breasts last year with nipples touching the woman's belly button.
I really want to see Hancock. Any takers?
I'm currently in the middle of watching Sweeney Todd (Finally). I like it so far. We shall see if It becomes a favorite.
Again, gotta make that effort to post more frequently. blah. I'm so lazy these days.
Oh yes, the Ho and I will be moving... somewhere in Sept. Maybe Costa Mesa, maybe Long Beach, maybe even LA. We shall see. I have work in Costa Mesa area, so I just might stay in the area. I don't plan to stay in So Cal for more than another year though (maybe even shorter)Anybody looking to move? Hit us up yeah. =)